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Secretsnake - Killing in blue zone (Action: Ban Issued 13/11/2014)

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Well-known member
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Secretsnake
Time & Date this happened: 12/11/2014 approximately 4PM Eastern (9PM GMT)
Description of what happened: SPC Mike and I had received a report about a vehicle theft, we went out to the area and start pursuing the stolen vehicle. The person driving the vehicle pulled over and we started questioning him. During this an Ifrit stopped along the road further down and an armed rebel got out. The person we had stopped started telling us if we didn't let him go that we would get shot, so we decided to impound the stolen vehicle and put the suspect in our car to drive him down to Kavala HQ (During this time I had my sights on the rebel that stepped out of the ifrit, he was peeking around a wall and tried to shoot us, I shot back and he decided to get back into his ifrit).
The ifrit ran around to a hill and got out, started shooting us again as we were driving away towards HQ. (His aim was horrible, didn't hit anything important).
After we arrived at Kavala HQ the suspect kept saying that we were going to be killed and kept threatening us.  I completely believed he wasn't lying so I just told him why he was going to prison, read him his rights, and sent him on his way.  Moments later I step out into the open in Kavala HQ and get killed (The video picks up just after I send him to prison. I have footage of most of the event, starting from us taking fire and putting the suspect in the police car for transport).
Secretsnake was waiting for me to walk into the open and killed me in a blue zone. He was shooting at me for a bit, but again, his aim sucked, so I walked out to give him a better shot.
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: He and the suspect both logged out of the game shortly after, but I had hinted a bit that what they were doing wasn't kosher. (within RP)
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)

03df4f65d1d8185894ad1d66f1fde8c8 -1 SecretSnake - Forum Report 13/11/2014

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