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sam woods (Action: Ban already issued)

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Account suspended upon users request.
North Yorkshire
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Sam woods
Time & Date this happened: 17/25 01/10/14
Description of what happened: i was restartined at cop HQ saying i had a bomb and if i was not let go i would blow it up and i got shot in the had 
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: nope 
Please post video evidence/screenshots here

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So you think it's fair to rdm cus u got rdm? Hypocrite much
like Ross said....I got revived my m8 followed em so I knew what people they were and I killed em not rdm not breaking nlr just a nice but of revenge...

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I dont get why u shot my friend tho? Like he had nothing to do with the whole thing
well one of you knocked out nozhino who was helping me...and one of you killed me

so u were butthurt and metagamed my friend? Is this the time for him to submit a report on you?

so u were butthurt and metagamed my friend? Is this the time for him to submit a report on you?
can you read.....i will say this the last time mt friend runningsheep followed you and saw you get in car and i killed you i was butthurt becuase you rdm'd me but that had nothing to do with my actions. 

like i said since it was not metagaming becuase my firend followed you so i knew it way you and your friend and it was not rdm because you killed me but i got revived  

"So you think it's fair to rdm cus u got rdm? Hypocrite much " you openly admitted you rdm'd that concludes my evidence thanks

admin please lock

Enough, grow up and act like adults, both of you.

Locked for admins, but i've had to hide posts, and remove comments not needed for a report... Keep this professional please.


to be fair, video would really be needed..... but he kinda opened his mouth.....

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