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Rubber bullets ...


Well-known member
I am pissed lately about the abuse of ( some ) police officers using the rubber bullets.

Its so annoying when they are just spamming the bullets and they sometimes just dont even care about what happend and inmiddialty shoot the bullets .

Please nerf this bullet cause its getting annoying as hell . Thank you 


If rubber bullets got nerfed then you would see a rise in the amount of officers using live ammo due to rubbers being ineffective. 


That did sound a little funny....

Depends? good roleplay, you want to die?

Its comments like that that makes me wish that "if you died, your account was reset... £100,000 no licenses, no houses, no vehicles".
@Neo , if you read my comment, and understood the meaning, I was saying if 1 bullet from a police officer gun would NOT KILL me only hurt I.E take away 20% of my NHS. Where as 1 rubber bullet would know me out  and the police will hand cuff me.

Then its down to the station no matter what RP you put on they will just DNA test you and your in jail.

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send me a recording of the "DNA" and i'll sort them out.
