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Hi everyone! I want to share my thoughts about RP! Recently got robbed and lost 400k! Here is how it all happened! Just sold my salt and was heading to nearest cash point when I spot 3 trucks heading  in the same direction! All of a sudden they drive up to me and I kind of knew what gonna happen so I tried to escape them with my truck, guy shouted 2 times stop the truck and the 2 other trucks chased me, after 5 seconds guy opens fire, shots my engine out, didn't get even 100 meters away, then all run up to me, knocks me out, robbed me and off they go! No RP at all! I'm new to this all RP and I'm not expert in role playing, but I'm 100% sure that it could be played out much more funny if proper RP would be used! I didn't even had chance to  try to talk or anything, it all happened in 20 seconds! For some maybe it's OK, but it could turn out way better and more funnier if they used RP! All I see is "hey I got gun so I'm gonna just rob and kill, F**K RP, I don't need it" makes a bad experience for some people you know!  

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Arguably, you sort of stopped the RP - they asked you to stop the truck, where you had a chance to RP your way out of the situation, and then you decided to carry on driving. I assume they initiated so they shot your tyres, do you really expect them to RP with you after you forced them to shoot at you? I mean, our gang would probably still try to RP with you then, however I understand where these guys are coming from. If people were trying to rob you in real life, and they had guns big enough to destroy a trucks engines, I'm sure they would also be willing to kill you quite easily even if you're defenceless.

Hi everyone! I want to share my thoughts about RP! Recently got robbed and lost 400k! Here is how it all happened! Just sold my salt and was heading to nearest cash point when I spot 3 trucks heading  in the same direction! All of a sudden they drive up to me and I kind of knew what gonna happen so I tried to escape them with my truck, guy shouted 2 times stop the truck and the 2 other trucks chased me, after 5 seconds guy opens fire, shots my engine out, didn't get even 100 meters away, then all run up to me, knocks me out, robbed me and off they go! No RP at all! I'm new to this all RP and I'm not expert in role playing, but I'm 100% sure that it could be played out much more funny if proper RP would be used! I didn't even had chance to  try to talk or anything, it all happened in 20 seconds! For some maybe it's OK, but it could turn out way better and more funnier if they used RP! All I see is "hey I got gun so I'm gonna just rob and kill, F**K RP, I don't need it" makes a bad experience for some people you know!  


Those pesky robbers eh?! 

In this situation, your best bet would have been to comply and stop. You could then try and RP out of it - offer them protection money to prevent you getting robbed on future runs, explain you're not salt trading, instead you're transporting a truck-load of dildos to sell...whatever!

The best RP happens when you get creative and try something new!

It's pretty likely you're going to get robbed if you drive an obvious route too - try a different route, be sneaky, pay people to help you, call the Police and politely ask for an escort, PLAN IT!

Have fun!

It is really hard to have really good rp where both sides enjoys it, I personally once "robbed" people asking how we can make this situation comfortable to you and me that I will get something from you and you are still happy :) Just to say and hopefully people try to "rob" people on a different way! 

I'm sorry to hear about that mr. @RandomLatvianBut not sure was their intention to have rp with you or were they just that angry since you did not comply their orders and tried to escape I must admit there was a chance to improve RP a lot but there happenes all kind of situation on this island are they good or bad! I must say every day is different!

I think the real problem is that this whole system is stacked against people who want to just do well legally.

It is far easier to be a robber and as someone who had a very similar experience just tonight I have 3 choices. Keep trying to be a copper miner and try and RP out of it (from experience you keep your life and that is it), become a robber as it's an easier life in the long run. Give up on this server and try to find one that is better balanced.

not trying to be overly negative but the general experience is not fun at all.

Every time I tried to do a solo legal money making job before I joined the rozzers , I was robbed, or someone attempted to rob me.  The key is, don't try to do solo jobs. If you're alone driving a truck, someone is going to try and rob you. Make some friends and do it in a group. Safety in numbers and all that jazz.

As for the RP comments.  You didn't value your life and realistically would have stopped in the face of an armed gang. Yes, they are going to steal all your stuff, but you would be in a position to bargain for your life.  I know, I know, when you stand to lose a lot of money, it's tempting to run. You never know, you might make it or pass a police patrol, but when you're up against multiple gun men, your chances of escape are slim to none.

If you don't have friends. Join the police. Good salary and backup 😁

Ive been doing solo jobs this past weeks and I have to agee that it is far to easy to rob people and even get away with murder.

The best thing you can do is give them every thing.

Because if you don't they will just kill you at the end of the count of 5........ If they don't any way after robbing you. 

I had a few times where I got rob and give them every thing and they still killed me in the end...

I can't wait till fire fighter get in the game. So I can join them. 

