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Roleplay wording


Active member
not sure if this post is in the right place but i feel the need to express myself!...I know in the Altis world different words have other meanings for example " Don't do that or you will get deported " ....in other words " your going to get banned if you continue "...but when i play as a horrible bandit i keep running into the same question being asked by my victims " how do i put my hands up? ", clearly this isn't ideal roleplay and i would like to know suggestions on how to answer in chat without breaking rp...currently i just say " well if this was a game it would probably be alt j, however because its real life put them up now! "...not perfect but it gets the job done. 

what i want is something better anyone got ideas?

Yeah unfortunately key commands are always going to break rp, if they ask say it once clearly, if they fail at that then tough luck, or you can shoot them and they can ask the medics or other player on respawn.

If they can't be bothered to ask somebody after getting shot for not doing it......

When I come across people who say they don't know how to put hands up or whatever, rather than typing them the proper command, I just change my orders / demands to say, get down on the ground... face this direction and don't move an inch etc.

After the role play is over and its safe to do so, I'll usually message the person in-game and tell them how to do it.

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I have found this too. I simply say Raise your hands up and keep em them. If they don't I tend to knock them out and rob them or shoot them in the leg and say ON THE GROUND THEN! If they disobey then I shoot in the head. It is there own fault for not knowing this. It is a roleplay server and I take this seriously.

the only issue is with "get on the ground" or "don't move" is that it allows them to either try and run forcing me to run after or shoot them (when i first started it was fun executing however i feel a robbery is alot more fun knowing somebody you have robbed is not going to lose all the gear etc they have on them like backpack etc, because lets face it having to restart and buy all the stuff is just tedious) also not having hands up allows them to try and pull a weapon which has happened several times (usually ending in death for them and a free gun for me)...shame they don't pin some of the important key functions on forums somewhere 

First time I was held up I also asked for advice on how to do it "Please Sir I cant, dont know how to". Trying my best not to break rp ... my reward was a bullet to the face ... ...

My experience, just shoot them. They should know the key bindings when playing on the server.

I usually just change my command then when i have them somewhere safe like a police HQ i'll say look at this drawing this is how to put your hands up or this is how you sit down then just type it out in direct chat

it seems alot of people have the same issue with it, didn't bother me when i first started playing as my roleplay was piss poor however now it's improving i just wanted some ideas on how to deal with it....i think the easiest way is going to be knockout and ziptie

I was also on the receiving end of this once, I clearly said i needed to break RP to ask the question - but they weren't having any of it. Fair enough, I suppose. Would liked to have lived though! 

In another instance, I RP'd that my arms were paralyzed from a car accident, but they didn't take that either. Executed me on the spot.

I d'say ask them to turn around,knock them out and ziptie them(altough pricy it's a good way to neutralize them without having to kill them...

if only they could put a list of essential control keys on the loading screen, would hopefully eliminate alof of the confusion
