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Robert Downey - Unban Appeal (Unbanned 15/03/2015)

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Poe Dameron

Your In-game name: Robert Downey

Your Steam Profile ID: 76561198066632236

Your GUID (Using this tool input your steam ID and press enter):

Date & Time you was banned: 


Please copy and paste the rule you broke: VDM

Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance:

Firstly, the whole thing is plain stupid. VDM is VDM, i agree i broke that rule...

to some degree, the footage that was in the report was cut directly the second i turn my car around to "act" out the situation..

i can't remember entirely what i talked about cause it has been a couple of days now, but i know we sorted the whole situation out and talked and apologized about the whole deal.

What annoys me the most is that i know the person who sent inn the report, he did this entirely to annoy me.. We are good pals from an old server we both have moved from, i guess this is some kind off a bad revenge?

Anyways, i do approve it was wrong for me to run him over tho.. it must also be the slowest VDM reported to this date..

Cutting the footage like he did makes me think i'm wrongfully banned in the case that you got 50% of the real information and situation that went down.

But VDM is VDM i know, and i'm totally not denying that.

I wouldn't have done anything like it if i didn't know it was him. There are so many VDM cases out there that are intentional killing and actually "Vehicle Death matching".

Getting banned for something like this and even trying to give my perspective on the situation not getting counted for in the other forum post feels unfair.

If your ban reason is "Forum Report - Date Here" then search the forums for your in-game name and that date and link the thread here: 

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Ye cause the whole thing is done to provoke me cause of something stupid, he cuts the footage when i get back to talk.. When i actually do a darn unban appeal i try to give my whole perspective of what happened and what i think about the whole thing..

The whole thing would be a lot different if i was driving at 200kmh and rammed a citizen or a car.. What i did was running someone over but by driving 3kmh.. But still goes under the same rule.. VDM. I put that there for not denying what i did was breaking the rules, i know i did.

But FOR ME it's just stupid the whole thing ended up coming to this.. So i write with a dash of rage that i cannot get back to my "legal" duties in-game when i finally have the time to play in the weekend.. Instead i need to do this.

Didn't need to write all this... I dont care about previous relationships from other servers...

He reported VDM your admiting VDM its that clearcut... Youve shown understanding that its wrong therefore you have been unbanned for your FINAL chance.

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