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Robbing a gang member


Escaped Convict
So this is one of those scenarios where I have gotten different responses from different support members so it would be nice to clear it up. 

If you are robbing someone who is in a gang and they have gang members in the area who are not in plain site, are they allowed to shoot you without initiation? For me, it makes sense that either the person being robbed or their gang members would have to initiate otherwise it would be RDM but some people disagree so it would be good to get an official answer on this.

Many thanks

This is one of those so-called 'grey areas'. From what I've been told by several staff members, if it's not clear that you are a part of a gang, who is active in that area at that time, you need to say so otherwise it is (heard various things from various people) RDM/Fail RP.

IMO, if you are robbing someone you are taking the risk that there may be people in the area who are associated with that person and as such in order to protect their gang member they should be allowed to shoot if it's acceptable in that RP situation. Although it really does depend on the context of the situation.

If you've not been spoken to with quality RP, it's RDM.

So if you're robbing someone and their friends shoot without saying anything (and its not a gunfight) i'd say it's definetly RDM.

Just shooting somebody straight up when they clearly have no clue that you are in the area would be RDM. There was no quality roleplay in that situation. But if the person being robbed clearly says he has people in the area and robbing him would result in the robbers death it wouldn't be RDM.

If you're wondering if you should shoot or not I would just go and initiate on the guy to avoid any RDM.

People should always know why they are being killed.

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It's RDM if they don't let the knowledge be known that you will be shot by other people.. and that they are not alone.

Thanks for the answers :) 
It would be nice to see a staff perspective on it though because as I guessed there are a slight range of opinions 

If you are robbing someone, and they have friends (gang members) in the area either they need to initiate on you or the person your robbing tells you his friends are watching and (incert high quality RP). If they don't and just shot you because you robbed/killed him then it's RDM. 

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If you are robbing someone, and they have friends (gang members) in the area either they need to initiate on you or the person your robbing tells you his friends are watching and (incert high quality RP). If they don't and just shot you because you robbed/killed him then it's RDM. 

I would just like to interject here. I understand the point that you want quality roleplay and what not which I think is good to have. However, I feel it's in fact poor roleplay of the person who has to state 'I have people in the facility'. The reason for this is why would you help your enemies and inform them that they're about to get rolled on? In my eyes it's unrealistic and FailRP to tell them that you have mates in the area etc. You're throwing away the advantage that you hold.

I mean you could state that it gives them the opportunity to put their guns down etc and surrender however if not they're going to be fully prepared for people to start shooting them which they wouldn't have expected if you hadn't of literally told them that. 

Equally, in the rules it does not state this. What it states is very vaguely 'quality roleplay' under 2.2. I feel it would be a good idea to add a clause stating this rule as people new to the server would not expect to have to tell the people robbing them that they better get ready to get ambushed. 

Not sure if this was said but i was told by a support member that if you SEE your teamate get shot then no initiation needed.

for example: "I shoot a cop outside church, cop on bounty HQ saw it and can fire immediately "
