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Roaming AI


Duisburg, Germany
Since the Roaming AI are back, there have been major performance issues on my and my friends' end. There was a rather healthy population on the server and today it's just me and my friends on the server. I've talked to some people and they told me that they left because of the roaming AI. It's almost impossible to do missions, hell, they even shoot when you just respawn and you're gliding with a parachute! Because of the Roaming AI I feel like all the fun is dead. 

Me and I'm sure many other players would be very happy to see the them gone if possible and I'm sure it'd contribute to Exile server's population in a positive way.


@Wilco Neo removed them, and then he added them back in a recent update.

 oh gawd! 

I will leave it for Neo to explain why the OP performance killing AI are back in.... I wash my hands!

Our group [ECM] have completely left the server after the introduction of the roaming AI, we was having a lot of fun, hunting other clans, and also being hunted ourselves, making wars and having a laugh. If these get removed we will consider returning, but we didnt want to play on a PVPOE server. Our group, 7 constant players and a further 12 sporadic players, all agree with what has been said above.



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@XMortXthanks for the feedback, Its likely that they will be removed again.

The server is meant to be PVP a place for our usual gangs as well as new gangs/players to let off some steam in brilliant combat (something which should be rare on our roleplay servers)

removal reset for 8pm, however they were under demand.

@Wilcoim glad to hear it, we enjoy the roleplay servers too, but we tend to play a game mode for a while, then switch. Currently we was on exile, and the roaming ai have simply taken the fun away. I understand that some of the guys from the roleplay servers simply prefer to attack ai, for instance the NLA group, we currently have a non aggression pact with as they prefer to build and hunt ai, so we have agreed with them that we wont ruin their gameplay by attacking them, if they dont attack us. But ECM and GLC have been having an on-going feud, that i belive has been enjoyable for both parties, for the majority, but the roaming ai have taken this away.



@Neo I was told that these were requested in a vote, so i understand why you added them, but i don't believe the people who voted, actually play the exile server.....



There's no pleasing everyone....

People want altis, others want esseker.

People want weapon packs, others say no!

I was going to replace all the AI/missions with:

A3XAI Features

  • Automatically-generated static AI spawns: A3XAI will spawn an AI group at various named locations on the map if players are nearby.
  • Dynamic AI spawns: A3XAI will create ambient threat in the area for each player by periodically spawning AI to create unexpected ambush encounters. These AI may occasionally seek out and hunt a player.
  • Random AI spawns: A3XAI will create spawns that are randomly placed around the map and are periodically relocated. These spawns are preferentially created in named locations, but may be also created anywhere in the world.
  • Air and land vehicle AI patrols: AI patrol in vehicles around the map, looking for players to hunt down. Cars and trucks may roam the road, and helicopters (or jets) search the skies for players. Helicopters with available cargo space may also occasionally deploy an AI group by parachute.
  • UAV and UGV patrols: Currently an experimental feature in testing. UAVs and UGVs patrol around the map, and if armed, will engage detected players. UAVs and UGVs may also call for AI reinforcements.
  • Custom AI spawns: Users may also define custom infantry and vehicle AI spawns at specified locations.
  • Exile-style Respect rewards: Players gain Respect rewards for killing AI, along with bonus points for "special" kills such as long-distance kills or kill-streaks.
  • Adaptive classname system: A3XAI reads Exile's trader tables to find items that AI can use, such as weapons and equipment. Users may also choose to manually specify classnames to use instead.
  • Error-checking ability: A3XAI checks config files for errors upon startup. If errors are found, A3XAI will use backup settings and continue operating as normal.
  • Classname verification: A3XAI filters out invalid or banned classnames and prevents them from being used by AI.
  • Universal map support: A3XAI supports any and every map for Arma 3 without changing any settings.
  • Plug-and-play installation: Installing and upgrading A3XAI is a simple copy and paste job and does not require modifying any Exile files.
  • Easy configuration: A single configuration file contains all settings for A3XAI. This config file is external to the A3XAI pbo, so configuration changes can be made without ever having to unpack or repack the pbo file.
  • Headless Client support: Offload AI calculations from your dedicated server to a headless client to improve server performance. The A3XAI HC can be started/stopped/restarted any time without causing problems
@NeoI think that you could probably still add something like that, but make the random ai groups + the convoy patrols marked on the map, remove the dynamic ai, forget the uav patrols (that sound is sooooo annoying), never seen the ugv patrols so cant comment. The rest should be ok, unless im missing something. The biggest problem is the insane amount of ai, i havn't died to these yet but they really dont give you a moment to breath. My personal opinion is that the ai should be added to "augment the experience" not to "make the experience", exile is supposed to be, as far as i understand, a criminal colony where the player has been dumped because of their crimes in whatever back story you choose to make up, or dont. So altis exile is effectively a prison island, so the ai should be strong...... but generally stay in their own areas, away from the inmates, with an occasional incursion to remove contraband. But at least 90%+ of the ai whereabouts should be known.

I could be explaining this concept terribly, or i could be wrong, but a few (3-4) random groups of roaming ai would be fine, especially when the server is more empty, but when its full, the ai dont present the same challenge a player does.

But thats just my 2 cents, we still appreciate the hard work you and all the other devs put in!



@NeoI like the roaming AI in the few times I've seen them on. Player count is generally low when I have a chance to get on and they give a bit more fun and danger to the game. I had bit of a performance hit when they were around - but i wouldnt say it made them game unplayable or bad.

I will say the original AI were a bit OP in their accuracy and targeting, but i feel some kind of AI is needed for those of us who can only really play when there's low player count. 

I'd previously suggested if it was possible to have a sort of Inverse AI where when the player count is lower, there are more AI, but as it increases, they are removed. Like you said though - you can't please everyone!

AI shouldnt be marked on the map imo - that's just ridiculous unless it's a VERY general area marker. Though i have heard very good things about A3XI AI though for exile!

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