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Rip items in my house (Refused)

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Well-known member
In-game name: Blr.Marko [LA] / [LA] Marko 

Your player ID (copy from your arma 3 profile): 76561198044395232

What was lost: 1x SOS Scope( :(   :(   :(   :(  ), 2x Pilot Crew Nato Helmet, 5x Carrier Lite Black, 3x Rangemaster uniform, 1 bjergsen black backpack.

Value of item/money lost: Uhh, don't really know the value of it, but I don't really care about the value.
It's more about the fact that it was really hard to obtain these items.

Quick description of what happened: I was thinking about transferring my items to my house closer because it was a pain in the ass to drive to the house where the items were currently stored. I then proceeded to not do it because apparently there would be a restart soon.
I put them back in, afk'd for a few mins till restart. After the restart I went back to my house to sell some stuff I had stored in my house( cough not drugs cough ). And when I checked my storage everything was gone. I don't think anyone would've been able to rob me that swiftly so I guess it's a bug or something?

I don't really care about the money as I said before, it's more about my precious SOS scope which I have been saving for ages now, and my police gear which I was saving for 5.0. 

Much love, 


We lost a house full of coke, plus the 2 large storage chests also, dunno if it had something to do with the server not being reset all day or what.

They occasionally just disappear sometimes, happened to me before

If I can add to this the majority of listed items are police only, which makes me wonder where you acquired these items. As it is now against the rules to loot police officers, are these old items? If so it would now be prohibited for you to own them. Can you contact me on teamspeak to talk about this and we can get it sorted.

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