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[RIP] Dogs (Rejected - Bad Video... No Sound)

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Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): 
[RIP] Dogs
Time & Date this happened:
26/09/2014  at about quarter to 10
Description of what happened:
This started with me trying to save a citizen as they were holding him up, i run in, tell them to put their hands up, they don't comply, i shoot cause his guns out, they return fire, i kill them all then steal their truck which was open.
Then, 8 minutes later they land and try to shoot out my tire of their stolen truck, attempting to RDM and metagaming, then I get to the chop shop, sell their truck which they then land and kill me due to desync.    

Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:
We had a chat in side chat about throwing rule breakings at each other, saying I RDM'd them yada yada, unfortunately, no audio recorded, but if you watch the video, I aim, then you can see my direct communcation popping up for me to tell them to raise their hands, and you can see before I shoot, the guy on the left side of the screen raising his gun
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)

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On the file you recorded, if you right click the file itself and look for 'Extract audio files' you may be able to get the sound files to prove its RDM. Worth a try ;)

If you're in a STOLEN truck worth 550k , of course he's going to shoot you, you may be going to tbe chopshop.

Metagaming, I don't think so. You have a tracker in the truck which is attached to your keys showing the distance.

Can't agree with anything your saying.

Lastly, make your video shorter, Admins do not have over 10 mins for one complaint.

If you're in a STOLEN truck worth 550k , of course he's going to shoot you, you may be going to tbe chopshop.

Metagaming, I don't think so. You have a tracker in the truck which is attached to your keys showing the distance.

Can't agree with anything your saying.

Lastly, make your video shorter, Admins do not have over 10 mins for one complaint.
New Life rule means you wouldn't have a clue about that truck. You'd have no idea of its existence or the keys.

It was only 2, I kill the guy in the building, then i start shooting at the other guy who i didn't manage to kill, but if you see in the side chat, he kills the guys right next to him, not me
u kinda killed a bystander with that dave guy xd

Long video with no sound... cannot work out what went on here properly for all that its worth you might have broke some rules here... I just cannot tell.

Rejecting it for poor evidence

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