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Richard Un-ban request (Unbanned 12/02/2015)

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Your In-game name: Richard

Your Steam Profile ID: 76561197961725340

Your GUID (Using this tool input your steam ID and press enter):


Date & Time you was banned: 06/02/2015 Around 2:40am

lease copy and paste the rule you broke: killed in green zone? no rule stated on the ban!

Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance

Basically we RP with the police and told to put there hands up or we will open fire as we was being chased by other people and wanted to get out the area. I opened fire to the police as they didnt ingage with us and was looking like they was going to shoot us anyways....i got told we was banned due to killing in the green zone...... I was in a house opposite the hospital in kavala and not in the green zone, The police was on the road at the time and not in the green zone. Im new to the server and enjoy playing here... it would be a shame if i got permantly banned as ive just paid a donation towards the server. if you could get back to me why ive been banned as i got no explantion of any admins at the time. also i got told it may of bin sovereign that banned me?? any info would be grateful thanks Richard.

If your ban reason is "Forum Report - Date Here" then search the forums for your in-game name and that date and link the thread here:

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The street outside the hospital is also inside the green zone if you have a look on the map. I would suggest in the future you do not attack anyone who is in the vicinity of the hospital unless you are 100% sure they are outside of the area.

Approved for your final chance.

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