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Reverends Beard


The Butler
The Great Britain
I was looking through some pictures today and found this. It seems to resemble Reverend.


You should see the picture I sent him which I thought resembled him.. I'm sure he will agree...


Think the Rev needs a shave ;) he is such a cheeky bastard, normally he has my sticky residue in there somewhere, maybe he has washed it ... cunt.

Well, if we're gonna break cover and post pictures from our private stash of Facebook conversation pictures, Lord Sandisk then people should see that my image was a respone to this: 


PS: He was shitting. He always takes his crown off. 

Ps. This is not a derp face - I look like this permanently, a fuzzy faced potato.

This is your lord ladies and gentlemen.

Like an experienced, midget hooker.

Suck it up.

Good day.

This was a weird thing to wake up and read...

I'm out, I now need a shit.

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