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Respectful Rebels, We Need Your Help

CC Dave

Active member
UK, Plymouth
Kavala is troll central and we all know it. we are really working hard to get this server to have the BEST community. Rebels have been so good lately. i have really found a distinguished line between Rebels that role play and Rebels/Civs that troll. i firstly want to say thank you to all the rebels out there that respect the roleplay and provide us with the fun we all deserve.

Secondly i would like to say that the Kavala police try so hard and get a lot of hassle off of the trolls in Kavala and i would like to say if you are a respectful rebel please work with us to not encourage these trolls. Don't ask them to troll police officers and let them know that this is a respectful roleplay server.

Yet again i have seen some insane improvements with how the Rebels and the Police are communicating out of game to sort problems like men instead of giving the admins more work on the forums. Remember if the admins are not on the forums they have time to make this community better in game and give us lots of new toys.

Thanks again to Everyone who respects this server

It's a two way street. Thank you all for chilling out and talking to us in a more civil and constructive manner recently.

On a side note Kavala is a plague that must be cleansed with hellfire.

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Time to break out the Wipeouts?
Nuke Tempest. End of story and end of Kavala for 35,000 years as it lays a radioactive death trap. The only thing we will have to fear is mutant trolls,but then we will all have an excuse to shoot them.

Well said Dave. I do occasionally pop to Kavala as it is home to one of the best beaches in Altis. Always feel sorry for the cops in the area who have to deal with the drug dealing vicar, as well as all the bridge dwellers.
