In-game name: Jesh
Your player ID :
What was lost: Around 400k, licenses, Rook, Tempest, some other vehicles, all gear has reset.
Value of item/money lost: Few Million
Quick description of what happened: Went to join, spawned in Kavala and it was all reset, start colthes and money, none of my gear. This was 22/11/2014 at around 2:20PM.
Your player ID :
What was lost: Around 400k, licenses, Rook, Tempest, some other vehicles, all gear has reset.
Value of item/money lost: Few Million
Quick description of what happened: Went to join, spawned in Kavala and it was all reset, start colthes and money, none of my gear. This was 22/11/2014 at around 2:20PM.