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Requesting to be unbanned - new players - new clan (Denied)

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New member
Greetings fellow knights, vagabonds and civilians, my name is Elendoro, the one that will speak on behalf of some of my members. Some of them -might- have been banned while one definitely has. 

Players targeted: General Doro - Doris - Bulgim - Martin - Ash 

As you can see above we have a number of people that has recently been called out on the forum for disrupting RP. I decided to explain it in more detail over there as I will here just shorten it up briefly. 

These are new players, they have owned the game for 2 days maximum. They know how to RP, probably better than most here, due to a long activity of roleplay on other games.

They are not 100% aware of the server rules, which is the reason why they decided to rob and attack people on places they were not allowed to do such things on. Which is without doubt understandable for someone that has just owned a game for two days. 

They have never been warned in-game, the "veterans" or easily put it more experienced players have not talked to them OOC (out of character) in any sort of way, not in voice chat, stating to be ooc or in text chat, typing in brackers. These are simple RP rules that are being used on every single roleplaying server and game since forever. If someone makes a mistake you should try to tell them what they are doing wrong, if it's happening on an RP scenario it's even more important to state that you go OOC, else it will cause confusion. Peroid.

I have told them about the rules, they are now aware of it and regret their actions. 

They are now aware of:  

What RDM is

Approach in RP, do not just take up hostile actions towards a targeted victim without reason

Do NEVER attack medics

Car-rental area is safezone, no hostile actions allowed. 

General Doro is the only one of these that I know has been banned from the server, since he told me. The others I do not know yet, but they did get mentioned in an earlier forum post.

The ban states no time nor reason, therefore making this whole situation even more shady. 

The point of not showing the suspensions length is?

The point of not stating reason for ban is?

These are simple methods that has been used long before, basically since internet was created. Stating why someone get's banned or showing them the suspensions length shouldn't be required to be asked for. 

Also, if an admin decides to ban someone it is clear that he is online or active in some sort of way. If he or she doesn't sacrifice time for bambies and explain the situation or the ban then I only have one word to add: preposterous.

Thank you for taking part of this text and sorry if it sounds rather aggressive on some parts, just had some questions aswell.

Best Regards Elendoro

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Firstly we do not do "bumps" here... Secondly as per the unban process each player needs to open there own appeal explaining what they did and what rules were broken.

All bans here are perm bans unless successfully appealed.

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