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Report a Player - Zeph - Other (Report Rejected)

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TP Lounge :) hehe
Your In-game name

FabioHoeg & Replicaa

Name of the player(s) you are reporting


Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on


Please (in detail) describe the incident

So today whilst being online on ts I received a msg from Zeph going under the name Weplicaa. I didn't see the msg untill a few hours went past. In the following screenshot you can see that zeph messaged me using the name weplicaa and then disconnected 9 seconds later. I didn't think much off it untill I realized it was Zeph who had impersonated Replicaa. The problem here is that Zeph is obviously trying to cause an issue since he tried impersonating one of my good mates named Replicaa. He obviously thinks he can bypass the rules by replacing 1 letter, but to me it seems clear that he was trying to impersonate Replicaa since he chose to msg me using replicaa's name (replacing the R with W). Zeph said he made up a random name which I would say is complete BS considering both me and Replicaa has been in Ascension with him within a months time, so obviously Zeph knows Replicaa. I feel like this is a clear cut of trying to cause an issue by impersonating a member of this community. Also after I informed Replicaa of this he asked Zeph what it was about - to then get called a kiddo by Zeph. I offered Zeph to come down to staff help so we could talk about it, but he wasn't having none of that.

Chat log From Zeph and Replicaa's conversation: 

<19:48:53> "Replicaa": <170:59> "Weplicaa": lobby ?
<19:48:56> "Replicaa": really?
<19:498> "Replicaa": (11.5) Imitation - Impersonating other members such as changing your name is punishable by a ban.
<19:49:58> "Replicaa": just pathetic really
<19:52:54> "Zeph": Put up a report?
<19:539> "Zeph": Wasn't impersonating you.
<19:53:27> "Zeph": Never said that I was you etc
<19:53:40> "Replicaa": Immature isn't it/
<19:53:41> "Zeph": It's like Ziffy and Zephy
<19:53:55> "Replicaa": we both knew your intentions
<19:544> "Zeph": What was I trying to do?
<19:54:12> "Replicaa": Troll? Imitate
<19:54:22> "Replicaa": really want me to link the rules?
<19:54:29> "Zeph": Do whatever.
<19:54:37> "Zeph": I don't play rpuk anyway.
<19:54:48> "Replicaa": Seems like you need to read the rules abit more
<19:54:56> "Replicaa": want me to link the rules page for you?
<19:56:24> "Zeph": Lol
<20:59:25> "Replicaa": <19:56:37> "Zeph": Chill out kiddo.
<19:56:48> "Zeph": Wasn't impersonating you.
<19:578> "Zeph": There is people with the same name on the server so are they impersonating too?
<19:57:31> "Zeph": I really am not interested in anything else you have to say.
<19:57:35> Chat partner has closed the conversation
<19:57:36> "Replicaa": Kiddo? you were the one being immature?
<19:57:50> "Zeph": Bye, "Kiddo".
<19:57:50> Chat partner has closed the conversation

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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What do you want me to say? It's all in the screenshots. Have a nice day!

Not going to be replying back to this, it is really pathetic. And if I do get banned, god have mercy.

Just to put some light on the situation, I never wanted this to come further when I did message Zeph and I was just seeking an apology at the very least. since he did call me 'Kiddo' I did feel that this needed to be taken further. Because we were in a gang before and I was younger then the rest and being called a 'Kiddo' wasn't the best thing to be called and even though I never sound my age I hated to be called a kid or a child and he knows that since we was in the same gang and I used to know him. He also says that he doesn't care about RPUK anymore and simply seemed like he was just trying to cause trouble on TeamSpeak. Changing his name to mine and trying to get my friend to go to our lobby and certainly looked like he wanted to cause some drama between me and my friend as well.

You're the same age as me mate. Kiddo is just a saying, just like r kid is a saying too. Sorry if it offended you that I changed my name to something that isn't your name but is a tiny bit similar, I mean look at Jay and JayRay, would you call that impersonating? And my intentions was to not cause any drama, I simply wanted to speak to Fabio as to why he left Ascension, as I did not know. I never said I was you at all, and quite frankly I do not want to be you in any way shape or form thanks. And where did I say anything about disliking rpuk, all I said was I don't really play anymore, that doesn't mean I don't like it, I know you could assume that but please don't assume things that aren't true, since Ascension disbanded I have been lost and not really sure what to do so hence why I don't play anymore, I pop on every now and then.

p.s I blocked both of you off TS as I asked multiple times for you to stop messaging me, wasn't ignoring you guys, was a bit busying on a different gamemode known as koth.

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So as you said 'Kiddo' is just a saying then why did you keep calling me a kiddo even if you know I hate to be called it? also why did you say to Fabio that you magically came up with a name which happened to be very similar to my name and start to message Fabio to go to our lobby? then once he didn't respond you changed your name back? if you wasn't impersonating me then why change your name to 'Weplicaa' knowing that it is almost identical to my name and start messaging my friends to talk to them? You wouldn't change your name to 'Weplicaa' to talk about why he left ascension?

I didn't know you hated it, you never told me up until this report so calm down mate. If I was impersonating you it would have been "Replicaa" and what exactly did I do that was impersonation? Just because we had similar names? This is honestly out of order, like you are taking this 10 levels above what it needs to be, you're over exaggerating this more than what it is. I ain't replying no more because this is very pathetic honestly.

Hello, and thanks for everyone taking the time to reply. Right so first of all, there are people called Oliver and Oliver on this server. Is that impersonating someone? No, it is not, because they are not trying to cause any issues or drama. Because Zeph changed his name to Weplica there is nothing wrong with that. If he did that and then started to cause issues or drama with that name then yes that would have been the rule quoted above and a ban would have been given out. Therefore, this report will be denied. Oh and please, for the next time when u are trying to resolve something, please stay mature. That goes for everyone.

Report Rejected.

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