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Report a player - Yu Wong session ID 394 - Altis Life

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Kenzie Blue

Well-known member
Bristol, UK
Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Kenzie Blue

Name of the player(s) you are reporting: Yu Wong session ID 394

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 04/25/21

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 1900

What best describes this incident ?: Fail RP // Powergaming

Please (in detail) describe the incident: Okay soo, we had received a job to kidnap Yu Wong so we pulled up on him iniated and placed him into zipties, from there we took him to another location where we planned to take out a boat, place him on said boat and move him to another location where we could continue the RP situation, whilst moving him, to place him on the boat Yu Wong either hopped out of the vehicle or somehow managed to exit the vehicle whilst being zip tied, he then said through OOC that he didn't log but he flew out of the car window.. now on my footage it clearly shows that I didn't hit any other car and I'm aware that sometimes you might not hit the car on your screen but on others you do (Desync) but in that situation I would've expected Yu Wong to at least try to re-enter the situation with us, alternatively he used what ever happened as a chance to escape and then went on to say it's our responsibility to make sure that someone who is ziptied in our vehicle is still in the vehicle, he also went on to say that we should've made sure we strapped him in knowing full well in that scenario or any scenario there is no way to forcefully put a seatbelt on someone.. lets say he did fly through the windshield, that's not something someone taking you captive wouldn't have noticed in a RP situation, also from my footage for 1 split second his character stands up and then is just, gone leaving us unaware he had even left the car in the first place.. The simple fact is that he decided to not take the L for the good RP but use stupid reasons to avoid a really good RP opportunity is why I've also added Power gaming to this report.

I didn't try and resolve this on TS with him, seems pointless to do so and it's just a stupid situation.. I don't think there's anything to talk about that would change how I feel about it.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: No

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

Extra link of the OOC Conversation after everything happened https://youtu.be/FZymeV96AO4

Accidently posted as Altis life, meant to be GTA RP.

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whilst moving him, to place him on the boat Yu Wong either hopped out of the vehicle or somehow managed to exit the vehicle whilst being zip tied
I was thrown out the vehicle via the dashboard. I didn't have a seatbelt on.

he then said through OOC that he didn't log but he flew out of the car window.
Because Shepherd messaged me saying the people who took you think you Houdinid.

 went on to say it's our responsibility to make sure that someone who is ziptied in our vehicle is still in the vehicle, he also went on to say that we should've made sure we strapped him in knowing full well in that scenario or any scenario there is no way to forcefully put a seatbelt on someone..
You said to me "I'm cutting the chord on your radio," you could have easily said "I'm putting your seatbelt on mate"

 lets say he did fly through the windshield, that's not something someone taking you captive wouldn't have noticed in a RP situation, also from my footage for 1 split second his character stands up and then is just, gone leaving us unaware he had even left the car in the first place.. The simple fact is that he decided to not take the L for the good RP but use stupid reasons to avoid a really good RP opportunity is why I've also added Power gaming to this report.
If you put my seatbelt on, I 100% wouldn't have flown through the windscreen, also, it's fairly unlucky that I did. You had a convoy of cars taking me to wherever, so I don't know how you didn't realise I was gone, I walked for ages, about 4mph around the city with zipties on.

I have spoken in teamspeak with staff about this, as I don't believe it's my fault that my seatbelt wasn't put on. I don't think this is a case of me being upset that I lost, I think you maybe are? You have chances to catch me, it's hardly taking an L for you.

I wasn't really expecting this report, however if you'd like we can talk on TS, - true and behold I'm not a massive penis all the time. Let me know



I fell out the car at about 3:25 in your video, you didn't realise I was there until a minute later

if I actually did hit a vehicle then yes we would've looked for you, but the fact that I didn't hit anything, why would I think you went through the windscreen.. further more we had 1 other person behind my car not like 6 cars, 7 trucks and a man riding a unicorn.. you literally was there 1 second then gone the next, I understand it might not act the same way when you're in a car with zipties on your hands but when I crash into a tree I psychically am thrown through the window that did not happen for you, there was no way for me to know that you were out of the car, you mentioned at some point I think that you have footage as well, if you wouldn't mind posting it and it shows what you're saying I'm happy to let it go, but I don't think I hit anything.. I don't know how you ended up outside of the car which is what I'm suspicious about, like I said if you're happy to show a clip of you being thrown out of the car I'll leave it there.

my main problems with this is 

1. We had no way of know you were out the car as I didn't crash into anything and you say you were thrown through the windscreen which to my knowledge doesnt mean you stand up in a car then disappear.

2. We missed out on some good RP, which probably wouldn't have ended up with you just being thrown in the sea but the opportunity was taken away.

3. We did look for you but after 5 minutes we assumed like everyone does that you did a magic trick, I don't know you very well, I've probably had 2 conversations with you within RP and there are a lot of people unfortunately that would rather disappear than take the L I'm not saying you are one of those people but you gotta admit it does look really suspicious 

4. if you need to RP placing a seatbelt on every person you kidnap in case you hit a car which wasn't on your eyes and the person that claims flew out of your windshield says all of this without any proof for backing it up then you should expect a report, look at it from my point of view.

there was no way for me to know that you were out of the car, you mentioned at some point I think that you have footage as well, if you wouldn't mind posting it and it shows what you're saying I'm happy to let it go, but I don't think I hit anything.. I don't know how you ended up outside of the car which is what I'm suspicious about, like I said if you're happy to show a clip of you being thrown out of the car I'll leave it there
I have a 5 min clip from meeting the person in game who freed me, unfortunately I didn’t cap before that- I wish I did because I think if you know me as a Roleplayer, I really don’t care about dying and I enjoy being tortured. The amount of times the Lost have burned, beat, bitten me, they could probably make a book. 

1. We had no way of know you were out the car as I didn't crash into anything and you say you were thrown through the windscreen which to my knowledge doesnt mean you stand up in a car then disappear.
I’m heinzeit I recognise that, however at the time I assumed you’d be coming straight back so I limped away, 

2. We missed out on some good RP, which probably wouldn't have ended up with you just being thrown in the sea but the opportunity was taken away.
It was a bit one sided but yeah probably would have been an “experience”

3. We did look for you but after 5 minutes we assumed like everyone does that you did a magic trick, I don't know you very well, I've probably had 2 conversations with you within RP and there are a lot of people unfortunately that would rather disappear than take the L I'm not saying you are one of those people but you gotta admit it does look really suspicious 
100% that’s why when Shepherd text me, I was like I’m here, called him, gave my session ID n all, even if my game had crashed or my house was on fire, I’ve spoken to shepherd many of times, I would have spoken to him, and I did speak to him in TS after 

4. if you need to RP placing a seatbelt on every person you kidnap in case you hit a car which wasn't on your eyes and the person that claims flew out of your windshield says all of this without any proof for backing it up then you should expect a report, look at it from my point of view.

you roleplayed cutting my radio wire, this was an added sentence and 100% doable, I agree it’s not something that may spring to mind when taking someone captive, however if we look at realism, ensuring they are strapped in, the doors are locked, they don’t have a radio live, etc etc would be all part of the process.

I understand the frustration from your side, however I don’t believe this is any sort of Power Gaming / FailRP. The likely hood of me falling out the car is very low, so I wasn’t really controlling the situation? FailRP too doesn’t sit right?

i seized an opportunity to escape, which will inevitably create more roleplay scenarios for us all:

• who will the Callaghan’s hire next time

• will Wong seek revenge?

• will lotus retaliate 

maybe I’m wrong in what I’m about to say but I think your report was a spare of the moment thing, I’d be happy to chat with you on teamspeak or discord about anything, as I’m really not trying to catch another ban, and I also don’t think this report warrants my dismissal from the Roleplaying football pitch,

let me know you little Bristolian 

Only comment I will put in from my perspective, from the video Kenzie has uploaded it looks like dsync which caused Yu Wong to fly out of the car. I think Yu Wong hit a car in his perspective but not in Kenzies, hence not really making sense on the kidnappers side. 

Do I think Yu Wong should of out his seatbelt on? Yes, it is not within another players control to physically do it

Do I think Kenzie should of specifically said “ I am putting your seatbelt on “ Not at all, but I can certainly see how it would of helped the situation, although I think if this is taught as common practice then GTA will end up with the same phrases heard in arms like “ I’m taking your radio and gps “ which just turns out being bland and shit roleplay.

Do I think Yu Wong intentionally done this for an advantage? Not really, but I would like to think Thomas can see it’s a bit shit considering it was a server issued with dsync that caused him to get free

My personal opinion on what I think a fair outcome would be?  I don’t think as anything here was intentional or malicious but just unfortunate mishaps due to the things seen differently from each players perspective whilst the car was moving. I don’t think anyone should be banned as long as Thomas can agree after looking at Kenzies perspective it how different it was and agrees to continue the situation due to it not really being fair on the hostage takers side. 

I do not think it is fair for Yu Wong to take advantage of the dsync, I understand why he did at the time as he saw it differently but now he can see what Kenzie saw I think it is only fair to continue.

I would also suggest development work to force seatbelt on if in zip ties to prevent future situations having the same issue but that is for a different post.



I don’t think anyone should be banned as long as Thomas can agree after looking at Kenzies perspective it how different it was and agrees to continue the situation due to it not really being fair on the hostage takers side. 

I also agree with what Sheppard said, I don't think Yu Wong should get banned for this, I find it annoying that we lost the opportunity to RP and to be honest with you I rarely report someone unless they really step over the line.

In this case, I didn't feel like he had just gunned down an entire server but the only real issue I have is that now this is going to have consequences for Lotus within RP and when I do things in gang colours I like to make sure I get them right.. we took the time to make sure that we had a plan and executed it so far, perfectly.

Don't get me wrong I'm sure the RP that would follow would be a lot of fun.

If Thomas is happy to rejoin the situation at some point and we can set up a time and a date and continue where we left off, I'm happy to let it go until then I guess we wait until the admins have made a choice regarding everything they've seen and where we go from there.

I would also like to get to know you.. but there's one thing we need to get clear first, nothing about this Bristolian is little 😉 😂

I’m taking your radio and gps
Most of this was said when I got put in the car,

I would also like to get to know you.. but there's one thing we need to get clear first, nothing about this Bristolian is little 😉 😂
Hold my L

look I’m all up for roleplay, I really enjoy good stories, and there is nothing to say that you boys can’t culminate some plan and I will nearly always be more than happy to go along with it- just discord me the rough script and hopefully we can all have fun in rp. By dying, I lose nothing, let’s be honest, I think yesterday I only had a golf club on me- literally £1,000.

I feel like if we jumped into TS this would have been avoided because we could have arranged that I got back to the club, and then you roll up or whatever.

Yeah perfect, can’t at the moment- great grandma has fallen and I’ve had to go round and wait with her and now at hospital, will let you know whenever I’m back, but won’t be today, might be tomorrow - later in the week

@Samantha We've had a chat and we've all agreed to continue the situation from where it left off, that hasn't happened yet due to some personal issues on Thomas's side, we're still trying to pick a date and time for it to continue that works for everyone involved.

Report closed as requested by the reporting party, due to the fact that the situation was resolved between the players.

Thank you for your report, Unfortunately, it has been declined

The staff member will advise shortly why on this occasion they have declined to take action against the reported player.

Please do not let this put you off making further reports in the future, We rely on our player base to help keep our community clean.


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