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Report a Player - Upsy Daisy UNMC - RDM (Rejected)

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Well-known member
TP Lounge :) hehe
Your In-game name

Lewis John Miller

Name of the player(s) you are reporting

Upsy Daisy UNMC

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

UNMC came up to us while we were talking to some guy that crashed their car. When they came up after a bit of talking some guy initiated when I was out of range to even hear the full initiation. I heard some of the initiation but it is the person initiating that has to make sure that who he is initiating on is withing hearing range, which I wasn't. Without my life being threatend I went to talk to the UNMC guy I saw walk over to the small construction building when Hadi Doogle and Upsy Daisy started Rdming me. This is absolutely terrible rp coming from an rp faction. To me it seems like they weren't there to RP. They were purely there for a gunfight since they started setting up on us rather quickly.

Also IF I would've heard the full initiation, I would've had only 1-2 seconds before I was fired upon as seen in the video. 

*Warning headphone users* Last 5-10 seconds of the video is rather loud. 

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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Hello. I notice that you refused to speak to me when I offered everything in my power to you, however, you refused to speak to me and essentially just said the name of the server and you had a video basically saying you were going to report so I luckily planned a response! This is my first report against me so pardon if i'm new to this, however, I will elaborate my point of view and how from my position I did nothing wrong I do admit I wish there was better roleplay, however, even in your 2 minute video. You  see that you were initiated on and you pulled your weapon out when told not to, and only when you pulled your weapon and there was an active gunfight did I open fire.

So let us begin, I was with my squad out for a relaxed night. I am told we will be disarming a group of rebels, so i get in a construction building to provide support (The one you run to.) As is heard in the video you posted Upsy says and I quote, (Buddy, can you put your hand on your head if one of yous takes your guns.) At this point you've run to far to hear and you pull your gun and take shots. let me explain how from my position this isn't RDM.

I as shown in the video DID NOT SHOOT until shots had been fired and an active gunfight had began. I did not shoot until you specifically took your gun off your back in the gunfight and only then did I shoot. As shown in the video if you look I peek out but do not shoot until you point your gun out. Now I can see how this may seem like poor role play but let's look from my perspective.

SSGT initiates

Man runs off with a gun out and points it at my direction

Shots are fired off

I retalite and recieve fire, I did not shoot till the gunfight began, and well you're group had been initiated on and one of you for sure heard as he was close enough.

Now let me speek to you all on another point. Why the personal insults at people in the video like at Upsy and the UNMC? If theres an issue i'll discuss it with you all.

I can understand truly how poor it may seem but from my perspective I was in an active gunfight with shots fired and people taking shots. An armed rebel was running towards me and well. There was only one way for me to ensure my survival.

I offered to speak to you and you refused and even said you never mentioned a report so I assumed to be resolved but I return to Dom telling me i've been reported after making a cup of coffee.

This will be my last response unless staff request me to speak or you wish to speak.

Issue with Hadi Doogle has been resolved. 

I would like to keep the report active for Upsy Daisy since he was the one firing the first shot at me and engaging the RDM and his action lead to a mistake from Hadi Doogle that Hadi shouldn't be punished from.  

I believe this could have been resolved over team speak but it show some people are out there just to get people in trouble but anyways, I initiated on you saying if you pulled a gun you would be fired apon then you pulled a gun and pointed at my men I don't see what was random about your death what so ever, also I do not believe I shot first do you have proof it was me that shot first?

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@FabioHoeg You can clearly hear the UNMC soldier initiating so why would then run up to a UNMC soldier and then pull out a gun? Which shows that you are not willing to comply. 

@FabioHoeg You can clearly hear the UNMC soldier initiating so why would then run up to a UNMC soldier and then pull out a gun? Which shows that you are not willing to comply. 
I started running over to the unmc guy before the initiation even began ?

As I also stated in my text abovel, even if I had heard the entire initiation I was given 1 second before I received a shot... 

According to server rules the person initiating is responsible for making sure that the guy he's initiating on can hear the initiation.

Also my life was never threatend in this situation. 

Ill ask again do u have a video showing it was me that shot first because as far as im aware it wasn't me that shot first

After reviewing the evidence and all comments posted by both parties I have come to the conclusion that this is not RDM. RDM means random death match there was nothing random in this situation you failed to comply with the initiation which was given and you run up to a UNMC member and pull out a gun which like I stated above showed that you were not willing to comply.

With that player report rejected.


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