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Report a player - Unknown Vagos - GTA RP

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Mack Daniels

Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Mack Daniels

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: Unknown Vagos

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 01/01/23

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 220

What best describes this incident ?: G1.2

Please (in detail) describe the incident: After being discharged from hospital, I got in a car with a 229 member, who I have a very intimate relationship with in roleplay as you can see throughout the course of the video. Upon arriving at Goma Street Parking I was met with a bullet to the head with no roleplay at all. The individual that shot me was driving a black Yosemite Rancher, no indication to him being Vagos at all other than a mask which is difficult to see from so far away. I was wearing a hospital gown, which has no relation to 229 clothing.

After a brief talk in Discord, I was told something along the lines of how he didn't see what myself and Duck looked like, just resorted to shooting straight away. In my opinion this shows no regard toward roleplay at all, and it is very poor to shoot someone without clarifying if they are 229 or not beforehand (especially with no agreed KOS or war rules at this moment in time)

I would also like to specify that I am not a 229 Member.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

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Hi mack I am the person in this report, there has been many, many instances through out the past week where we have fought and circled 229 turf and they have done the same. This is just a continuation from the events that have happened, plus you mentioned about the car, it wasn't mine it was a friends which I was just driving at the time. what if I had been in a stolen 229 car would that have made a difference? Or if I was in a full yellow car would that mean that it would have been allowed. Also you where in the passenger of a war car and Molotov was in full colours. the reason I didn't approach is because their are two people in a war car if you two where both strapped, which is very likely as 229 are currently fighting us and for you as a gang member carrying is normal. That would be very stupid as I am driving up to you guys I knew that due to the events that happened the day before 229 know what I both look and sound like and would have most likely shot me straight away. 

If staff members have any other questions about the situation I am more than happy to answer. 

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Over the night there has been no gunfights or interactions between Vagos and 229. Being in FULL colours makes a big difference to the situation as a whole, especially if you had been in a yellow vehicle. And, I'd like to reiterate that I am not in 229, and in this particular situation, I was an innocent bystander who was targeted for being the passenger of a green car.  

Would you expect me to not get punished for RDM if I was to shoot Coalition on sight at their ranch, with no words said in a yellow war car? No. 

I can't just drive round the streets and shoot anyone and everyone in a white car because of the slim chance they might be in Coalition.

I will not be entertaining this report any further. No words were said, this was not roleplay.

I hope you got the clips for your frag montage though, looking forward to seeing that 🙂

As Admins have previously explained context is everything. Vagos and 229 have had a continuous beef over the last few days, as I'm sure you know about the incident the other night in which 229 KOS'd vagos in the barrio. Now you say there were no gunfights between V & 229 in which you are correct. However that doesn't mean there is no active beef. The other night when 229 came down there were no fights during the day, but this was a reply to the gunfight the pervious night in which Vagos killed multiple 229. Well you may be asking what has this got to do with it, to put it simply everything. I was one of the only survivors the other night in which I was saved. Now yes you may have been caught in the crossfire between Vagos and 229, however in my opinion you have put yourself into a hostile area in which gang tensions are currently sky rocketing. You were in a 229 war vehicle with a 229 senior, someone who is a target for Vagos. It was unfortunate that you landed yourself in that position of a Gang beef whilst on their turf.

I will not be entertaining this report anymore, as you are fully aware of current beef between gangs. In reference to why you are talking about a frag montage, I'm not sure of your point, there has been deeper roleplay into the 229 and Vagos beef ( in excess of a month ) .

Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed

Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions

Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!


Good evening @2Tappy  @Mack Daniels

Since my words have been quoted in this report, I feel it is only fitting that I deal with this also. You are right @2TappyContext is everything. And in this situation, you pull up to a rival gangs turf, completely blacked out and NOT identifiable as Vagos. When 229 where on your turf in the incident you're referring to they were in full colours and identifiable and so was yourselves. This incident doesn't exactly equal that one does it? You've pulled up out of colours and shot someone who isn't even in 229. This is RDM. There isn't any sort of roleplay here, now if you had of been in colours or approached and shouted something like "this is for yesterday you prick" and shot the 229 and then questioned the passenger that was in the hospital gown as to who he was then this situation would have been a lot different, this just feels like you were going for the quick "win". Since you came off a permanent ban less than 6 months ago you will be back to a perm and will have to appeal.


Character ID - 63917

Rules - G1.2

Action - Permanent Ban

Thank you for doing your part in keeping the community clean.

Your report has been approved and action has been taken against the reported player.

If you are out of pocket due to this case please now open a compensation request here, Do make sure to mention this report.


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