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Report a player - Unknown (Suspect Chippies) - GTA RP


Los Santos Police
Los Santos Police
Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Alec Hunter
Reported Players: Unknown (Suspect Chippies)
Date: Jul 13, 2024
Time: 20:50
What best describes this incident: Mass RDM in it's purest form.
Please (in detail) describe the incident: As per the video, the interaction recieved was second to none and shots are randomly and suddenly fired at cops and G6, I believe this to be Mass RDM on the opposing parties side due to the lack of Quality Roleplay prior to Combat taking place, more footage will be attached by other officers shortly.

Some context - This was a Money Transport (Gruppe 6's biggest one yet) whereby they attended every single bank in Los Santos and withdrew money/gold into their Gruppe 6 truck, there was zero prior Roleplay from the opposing party (Herein referred to a Robbers) throughout the convoy, despite a series of attempts at trying to ask those involved who followed the convoy what they were doing no response was recieved in Roleplay.

Throughout the situation as a whole the Robbers are seen following the convoy (Still no Roleplay taken place) in a helicopter and a Teal Blue sports car with a White stripe down the middle, from Route 68 into Paleto, the Helicopter landed (I've later learned that this helicopter was in fact scouting for them as well in a similar fashion to the way gangs use Helis to scout opposing gangs turfs)

Throughout all of this the ONLY interaction we got was "give us the money or else" which is incredibly poor at best and most definitely insufficient, Or else what? You'll bake my character a cake? You'll cook the cops some dinner? No direct threat was made with that statement and given it was a single sentence I most definitely believe that is insufficient, they were identified by myself as Chippionies (May not be in fairness) but if it is them, well all I can say is that I from a personal standpoint have been subjected to their "Roleplay" before and it is most definitely a steady decline for sure.

In addition to the above report and whatever other evidence is attached if any (I'm aware that SL Mike may also have footage from cops POV) when the situation did come to a conclusion and 7 of them had been shot by cops, they ALL except one, chose to bleed out and respawn so they didn't have to face the RP consequences of their actions, which honestly is incredibly shit of this gang to do as well.

Link(s) To Any Evidence:
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Attempts to Liaise with the group/gang responsible unfortunately fell on deaf ears as seen within these OOC screenshots, to me at least, it appears they simply did not care for Roleplay and purely wanted an Arena experience.

More footage to follow shortly from other officers

Edit: Liaison attempted and recorded (Being uploaded now) - Did not end well, 5 vs 1 gang up mentality followed by snarky immature remarks, report stands and was not resolved.
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As a G6 officer who was in the money transport during when this happened I have to disagree with the whole "rdm" situation. This was an ambush of a money transport. Noone is gonna announce that they're gonna ambush you or are they gonna talk to you for 10 minutes before it happens. All of us knew the risks while doing the money transport and all of us knew that paleto bank would be a great place to do said ambush. If you'd think more to the real life part of it, do you recall any ambush or hit of a high value target been announced to the police etc beforehand? Not really. So why would they announce it in a roleplay server? Also as i recall there were officers up on that roof before it all happened and they did have a chat with the people who were on top of that building ( i have the footage of the whole transport and can check tomorrow if needed as I'm on my phone at the moment.) Also they did actually steal from the truck that was transporting the money so i feel like that's enough of an RP reason to do what they did. In my opinion this is more of a "I didn't win so I'm gonna report a rule break" situation especially cause at the end of the clip as you got shot you instantly wanted to type to OOC "RDM????". I would understand this report if this was you in a regular patrol and someone shoots you without prior engagement but this is a whole different situation in my opinion. Please accept that you can't win every situation even if you are firearms and learn to have some fun 😉
As a G6 officer who was in the money transport during when this happened I have to disagree with the whole "rdm" situation. This was an ambush of a money transport. Noone is gonna announce that they're gonna ambush you or are they gonna talk to you for 10 minutes before it happens. All of us knew the risks while doing the money transport and all of us knew that paleto bank would be a great place to do said ambush. If you'd think more to the real life part of it, do you recall any ambush or hit of a high value target been announced to the police etc beforehand? Not really. So why would they announce it in a roleplay server? Also as i recall there were officers up on that roof before it all happened and they did have a chat with the people who were on top of that building ( i have the footage of the whole transport and can check tomorrow if needed as I'm on my phone at the moment.) Also they did actually steal from the truck that was transporting the money so i feel like that's enough of an RP reason to do what they did. In my opinion this is more of a "I didn't win so I'm gonna report a rule break" situation especially cause at the end of the clip as you got shot you instantly wanted to type to OOC "RDM????". I would understand this report if this was you in a regular patrol and someone shoots you without prior engagement but this is a whole different situation in my opinion. Please accept that you can't win every situation even if you are firearms and learn to have some fun 😉
It's not about Win mentality, I couldn't give a fuck about winning, I happily held the loss the night prior when cops lost against ballas, at least there were funny moments and some fun, enjoyable and QUALITY INTERACTIONS, of which in this instance, there was none, the people on the roof were told to move and muttered words under their breath, there was zero quality roleplay before Combat Ensued, regardless as to whether they would irl or not, this is NOT irl and shouldn't be treated as such, this is a game that many of us actively play because we enjoy the break from Real Life and simply want to have fun, not become victims of Arena Wars, there are plenty of servers where they can enjoy shooting each other without engaging in Quality Roleplay but RPUK isn't one of them in my opinion.

Edit: Report updated, additional context added along with actions from the downed gang members after the fact.
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(Replying as I was the first officer to go down in this situation (Bob Buchanan).

As a G6 officer who was in the money transport during when this happened I have to disagree with the whole "rdm" situation.

As per the rules:
G1.2 - Attacking another player without engaging in any form of quality roleplay is considered RDM.
Whether it is an ambush or not is irrelevant. Quality roleplay must still be provided before shots are fired. Ambushing a convoy after barely speaking to those involved is not 'quality roleplay', nor does it negate the requirement for 'quality roleplay' as mentioned in Rule G1.2.

Also as i recall there were officers up on that roof before it all happened and they did have a chat with the people who were on top of that building
I was the officer who spoke to them on the roof. It was a very casual conversation, along the lines of 'Do me a favour lads and get down from this roof'.
At no point were any threats made, hostile words exchanged, or noticeable tension felt from either of the involved groups.

n my opinion this is more of a "I didn't win so I'm gonna report a rule break" situation especially cause at the end of the clip as you got shot you instantly wanted to type to OOC "RDM????". I would understand this report if this was you in a regular patrol and someone shoots you without prior engagement but this is a whole different situation in my opinion.
The Police did win. They were wiped once more firearms arrived, and all money was recovered. This is not about 'winning'. This is about being prematurely shot, without any 'Quality Roleplay' being provided.

I couldn't care less if I win or lose a situation. If I lose, I go and regear, no time wasted, and get back out on patrol. I am aware that this a priveledge of playing a Police Character, I've done the gang grind, I know how frustrating it can be to lose.
What I do care about is when groups provide next to no RP before shooting and downing me or others involved. That is not 'Quality Roleplay', and that is something that deserves to be reported, and have staff take action on. The fact that those involved cannot see anything wrong with their actions is rather damning in of itself, and further underlines the generally shoddy quality of roleplay from a lot of the newer criminal groups.

Please accept that you can't win every situation even if you are firearms and learn to have some fun

The actions of the criminals in this situation explicitly stopped any of the officers who were initially shot from having 'some fun'.
Had there been ANY form of 'Quality Roleplay', or even a slightly elongated gunfight, where we had a chance to play a part and return fire, myself and others would not feel so hard done by. We usually enjoy taking part in these situations, as we get to watch the roleplay unfold and play our part. The way this RDM unfolded completely stopped us from being able to play any part in the situation.
It is not about winning as you said, it IS about having fun. Fun that we could not have due to the Frag Hungry Min/Maxing on display from the criminals at Paleto Bank. That is why they have been reported. Had 'Quality Roleplay' been provided at anypoint before shots were fired, this would report would not exist. As I stated above, Police DID win this situation, but that is not what any of this is about.

The RP on the server at the moment is at an all time low. We need to aim for a better standard of roleplay from all groups. When groups are unable to see the error of their ways, it is up to the staff team to adjudicate what is an acceptable standard of 'Quality Roleplay', and hand out appropriate punishments for those who are unable to conform to the standards.
Ok I was apart of this situation from start to end and I do not know where the RDM comes into this we warned you multiple times to give us the money or it will kick off which the officers responded by saying ok see you and then laughing at us if that isn't a interaction that gives us a right to attempt to rob the convoy then idk what does we was following you for a long time when you got to paleto we seen our opportunity if you laugh at people that are trying to rob you what you expect to happen us to lay on our backs and ask for a belly rub it ain't going to happen the way you expect it to happen staff and devs put the convoy in the server to hit it and rob it not be something you look at idk why you made this report in the first place this is evidence 1 - https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/igiCIgeWZnd6nXmTG/d1337lUWxqls?invite=cr-MSx3M1EsMTIyOTIxOTg5LA

Second the others did liaison with you yes but because we hit the convoy that was intended to be hit you then turned around in liaison and said "fuck off to an arena server" I don't think that should of been said once again the convoy was added to be robbed so just because we warned you and had a shootout doesn't mean we aren't here for RP just means we tried to rob something that was intended to be robbed Evidence 2 - https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachme...546739c4380e6ac6e620902cc815520b0856c85d83df&

Ok within the liaison I am going to mark everything you said and the answers to it also there was only us there there was no teaming or anything but we will get to that with the full clip of liaison later on First you said you was no shouting or being aggressive in the Liaison but as you can see in the clip your shouting and getting angry and also swearing at us there is one lie you have done so far, you say we did not provide quality RP but as stated in the Liaison which you completely ignored is how are we meant to get to the truck to have a convo with you about how this is going to start if feds was blocking off roads and disabling our vehicles before we get close enough idk how you are expecting us to talk to the people close to the truck if there was no possible way to get there we spoke to the officers outside the bank on the road blocks that doesn't mean we have to get to you or the truck to have a convo it can be to any officer that was there just because we didn't talk to you directly doesn't mean we haven't spoke to any of you. but then you mention there is a clip of this all by a staff that couldn't be attached to the report due to staff chats but then you go on saying you have seen it to my knowledge any staff that is showing people (that are not staff) private staff chats is not allowed so you have then just admitted that a staff has showed you the clip with staff chat in that clip so whatever was spoken in there is now known to you and whoever else seen it. then you decided to try accuse us of "teaming" which is not true at all other people would of tried to hit it to we have no idea who the heli was or whoever else was driving around there was no teaming involved in any of this situation.

you then mention that we are doing some petty stuff we was not you refused to listen to half of what we was saying yes you was giving counter points on certain things but other stuff you completely ignored I don't see that as petty at all you was hostile so much in the liaison which is completely disrespectful from person to person we are meant to be adults but all that seemed to happen was half of it you was acting like a child. but then once bonzi joins you start calming down and trying to make us out to be liars you then say there was people talking over each other and petty comments but as you can see in the clip there was no such thing as petty comments yes there was a bit of talking over each other but that's because the fact either they was talking to you then you was trying to get your point across and interrupted them or they was trying to comment on what ur saying and they are interrupting you it goes both ways as soon as bonzi joined you tried switching everything onto us. this is the full liaison with each point I have made -
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also in the marksman clip you have put is half way through the fight as you can hear full ARS going off also you have edited your original message to add 2 clips that are both mid gun fight so no1 would be able to say or tell anything on them due to it being mid gun fight
The report shall remain, I shall not respond further unless requested by staff to do so, the report was made because as per the OOC screenshots attached to the report, you either refused to Liaison or couldn't be bothered to.

In addition to that, not entirely sure why all 5 of you decided to join and gang up on myself, sure you can, but then it ends exactly as it did, a 5 vs 1 gang up with you all acting like your characters.

You are NOT your character, your character is NOT you.
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the quote right at the start of this video "We will have the money or it will kick off"

Was that from the same group (if you know) or you dont know WHO that came from?
Afternoon @Charles Vane

The quote right at the start you have mentioned was from the same group, yes. The person who said it was Dwayne who was with myself in the car.

(I was also involved in this situation but someone else already replied so decided my POV wasnt needed)
Right, from what i have looked into here from the G6 side, Police side and crim side. It seems like you on that roof waiting to shoot everyone you see does not have all the info. Maybe because you were on a different freq or not. Maybe you didnt receive the roleplay because like multiple others you were posted on a roof.

Either way, this situation is not RDM. More of a police comms error from the info i have. There is clearly an ongoing situation here and you not being made aware is not the fault of the criminals here.

Report denied.