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Report a player - unknown occult - GTA RP


Los Santos Police Senior
Los Santos Police Senior
Los Santos Police Trainer
Do It Fer Yorkshiiiiiire
Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Jonny Delaney
Reported Players: unknown occult
Date: Oct 13, 2024
Time: 16:00
What best describes this incident: RDM
Please (in detail) describe the incident: We had members of the occult in custody at vsps, for one reason or another one of the PIC's gained access to her phone, so we were expecting some sort of RP from the occult on the transport. We went to move her out to the bus and on trying to organise more vehicles we were lit up with zero warning or RP by people I believe to be Occult and they ended up breaking her out - again if this was done with any RP whatsoever we would have had zero issues with it. There's not much more I can add to this report other than we were hoping for some decent RP when the convoy was hit and received none by being gunned down without warning in the car park. I asked who shot in OOC, but received no reply. the evidence is a clip leading up provided by G6 and then my perspective of being shot - there should be overlap (blame my peasant medal for not uploading longer clips). I don't believe the fact we knew she'd been on her phone is enough to constitute shoot on site gameplay from the shadows, and coming from a group I believe to be occult id honestly expected better. 1600 is a rough estimate of the time give or take 15 mins each side.

*EDIT* since the YouTube video of station CCTV has been made private, a copy has been uploaded via ticket #forums-2569

Link(s) To Any Evidence:
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Hi Saint,

First lets set a standard to this report.

Youtube video:
-No Sound
-Less than 5 minutes context prior to the incident

Medal clip:
-1 Minute clip
-No context

Now lets approach this report against myself with context. Because I alone shot the three of you. Three members of The Occult were arrested by a moderate sized milita of firearms for shark fishing, no warrants, no shots fired, no reason. Upon their arrival at the police station a police officer gave one of The Occult members their phone and radio back, later on a G6 officer removed her cuffs to allow her to drink a smoothie but did not re-apply the cuffs, at this time that member of the Occult made us aware of their location, what was happening.

Two Occult members along with myself planned to break them out, we waited outside the casino for a decent amount of time with no signs. We then went to investigate Vespucci PD where we found Crystal outside along with three officers. We took the oppurtunity to break her out.

Context to the story is now given. But that isn't the end, now we have to address the facts:

The moment you realised Crystal was on her phone you said and I quote "This has gone from a high risk transport to a impossible transport". You already knew what was coming, you already started changing your plans to prevent the convoy being hit. You acknowledged the fact Occult was going to attack you but act surprised when they do.

So my only question to you is, you know your transport has been exposed, you are aware The Occult are coming and yet you decided to stand out in the open expecting me to grab a megaphone and tell you to drop your pants for me?

This is serious RP, you attacked us first and we retaliated in the same situation. I'm sorry if our standard of medical RP is not to your taste when we leave you to die but incase it is not obvious The Occult do not like the police.

In regards to your messages in OOC, this was likely not seen as I do not have chat visible. Surprisingly the time you took to make this report I'm sure you could have exstingued the same amount of energy reaching out to the Occult OOC via discord or friends of but you didn't, You resulted to the mundane method report.

For conclusion I do not feel anything wrong has been done, you've taken this to the forums with haste assuming you finished RP and went straight to collecting clips to report this therefore I do not wish to hear what you have to say via QE. The problem I see here is different situations suit different people, I can supply multiple clips of previous incidents where cops have shot me with no communication had (obvious different context situations). I can even recall police shooting one of their own who was hostage in a attempt to shoot me. But differents standards I suppose.
Hi Whiskey - regardless of whether we were expecting some sort of attack on the convoy, that doesn't constitute being lit up from the shadows at the police station IMO. Some sort of RP has to be provided by the shooters prior to being killed unless its an active gunfight that the shooters have travelled to and have rights to be involved in. There was no such gunfight happening so I'm confused as to why we were just lit up, like we were in a game of arena. This was beyond poor. I have very little else to say in regards to this - I'm happy for staff to weigh in and provide their verdict.
Hi Saint,

So you admit you were expecting an attack but not from the shadows?
Help it make sense. You want me to stand infront of you and give you ample time to equip head armour?
Perhaps you want me to fire warning shots first to give you equal oppurtunity to shoot back?

Sadly life doesn't work like that.
Perhaps you could answer me this though.
The reason they were arrested considered we are here because of that.
Why was 10+ firearms patrolling shark fishing?
(Since we like RP so much, make that make sense)

Its important that you recognise the fact you fucked about and found out. You left yourself exposed, you knew what was coming, but because you didn't win its a problem.
Hello @__saiint__ , thank you for taking the time to make this report.

Have you got a version of the longer clip you've provided with sound? Without any sound, it's not of much value.
@Bonzi I can try and have a look if I can salvage a longer version of mine, but unfortunately the footage with no audio was provided by G6 as my medal doesnt allow me to get longer than 1-2mins at a time
I think i can get some extra more useful footage bear with me might be tomorrow though :)