Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Adam Busy
Reported Players: Unknown
Date: Sep 2, 2025
Time: 21:23
What best describes this incident: RDM
Please (in detail) describe the incident: I was fueling up my vehicle after attending an incident where I was driven up by various cutlass cars. They then proceeded to say "WHOS THAT, WHO'S THAT, IS THAT MARA BRO" and then proceeded to shoot me instantly as if it is a KOS server. I can confirm that there was NOT an active firefight at the time. I am confused as to what the actual RP intention was here as there literally wasn't even any effort made to give me instructions or do anything.
This is shocking, potentially one of the worst incidents I have had as I feel as if I am in a Warzone lobby. I did ask Cutlass to attend liaison / QE and one of the members did however he stated he did not know who shot me and that he would get them to @ me in OOC.
That person has never contacted me or made any effort so therefore I cannot provide a player ID, unfortunately.
Also if you are wondering who the people are speaking in my footage, these are colleagues/friends who I stream to on Discord if people are to question why there are other voices!
I think the video does the talking really.
All the best,
Link(s) To Any Evidence: