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Report a player - Unknown - GTA RP



Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Jon Cruz
Reported Players: Unknown
Date: Jul 26, 2024
Time: 01:15
What best describes this incident: Combat logging / Racism
Please (in detail) describe the incident: We had an altercation with the chap in the video outside main PD which resulted in both me and my brother being knocked unconscious alongside his friend. He took his friend to pillbox, and we were found by two chaps who transported us both in a car up to pillbox to recover from our injuries.
After recovering in pillbox I was on my way out of the hospital when I came across the same chap, who told me to "come over here" as he'd "beaten the shit" out of someone and he wanted me to see. Lo behold, it was the same chap who Id had the previous altercation with.

We began talking to him whilst he was downed. My brother went to grab a car and we placed him in the boot. He combat logged almost instantly, however we didn't realise until further up the road.

We retraced our steps & found him outside pillbox, where he proceeded to call me a "ni***r", and combat logged again.

I feel that the person in the clip completely lost control of his emotions, resulting in disgusting, racist language, alongside logging to avoid any further consequences.

In the clip he was accusing me of breaking the no life rule - I was attempting to defend myself by stating that he didn't kill me, and I could remember who he was. I attempted to keep this within roleplay however I do apologise if it hasn't come across that way.
Link(s) To Any Evidence: https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/ilixPx7hvU938a3gh/d1337uyujutK?invite=cr-MSwzZTQsNjQ3NDM2OTIs
Hello, whilst this is clearly racism and should be dealt with. Without knowing their ID's at the time and some other info on evidence to where we might be able to piece together who it is/was it is very hard for us to find out and know for 100% who that was.

So, unfortunately this time we will not be able to ban off that BUT i assume if this is the players general behaviour it will not be long before he is banned or even could already be banned.

A few things for yourself, if its you talking about "bodycam and enjoy your holiday" stop that shit straight away. Thats not roleplay, thats ruleplaying. Just take the high road leave the situation and go roleplay somewhere else.

Secondly, why do you and your brother not speak to each other at all from when the guy was not in your boot? i assume your not mind readers and there was words said elsewhere that have not been picked up by medal maybe. Stop that too.

Remember, your playing on a roleplay server, you are here to roleplay (or should be) so everything should be done in character.

Finally, you can bind the sessionheads to a command in the settings on FiveM controls so you can click 1 button to show sessionheads instead of typing the command every time. Much easier.

This report will have to be declined based on lack of evidence.