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Report a player - Unknown - GTA RP

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Well-known member
Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Alex Torez

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: Unknown

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 11/14/22

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 2155

What best describes this incident ?: Combat Logging

Please (in detail) describe the incident: Degenerately robbing people as my friend is quite poor right now and this guy just combat logs twice right in front of us. He did it a first time before the clip I'm about to show (also have that recorded if needed) so I guess you can check the logs for someone who disconnected twice with the first time being at 21:55~ and again 3-4 minutes later?

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: No

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

Hello @sigmatic

After diving into our logs, cross-referencing various factors, I've managed to locate the person in question. 
On both occasions, it seems the players game crashed - like he said in the '/me' 

A warning will be issued to the player, for not reaching out after managing to reconnect ~20 minutes later. 
Always follow the proper procedures when losing connection, attempt to reach out via '/OOC' and, or open a Ticket and speak to staff!
Should this happen more often, and you fail to make any attempts to resolve the situation, you are at risk of receiving a ban instead!

Action: C2.3 - Warning
Char: 82668

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Thank you for doing your part in keeping the community clean.

Your report has been approved and action has been taken against the reported player.

If you are out of pocket due to this case please now open a compensation request here, Do make sure to mention this report.


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