You are right it is not a requirement but I am unaware if you know that "it is requested and greatly encouraged to attempt to solve the issue like adults" not sure if you read them parts.
So once again you are using derogatory comments to try and benefit your argument. You've already tried to use the term "it's clear cut exploiting" and now you are trying to defame not only my character Daley but me as person who plays the character by saying that "this might show what your intentions are on the server" not only this but you are trying to assume that I know exactly what I'm doing and "we both know that"? It's very hypocritical coming from yourself to accuse me of intentionally breaking a rule considering you are on how many bans now? Even getting banned on a legal character, not sure how that is possible but I don't think you are the one to take a moral high ground and should stop with the hostility as it says on the report a player wiki page.
You have posted a tutorial of speedboosting, well done, this is a great look to the community that may come across this report. This does further show that I done nothing similar to what is shown in the video, speedboosting consists of using your WASD in a way the almost stops you on the spot before moving in the other direction consistently and repeatedly as well as moving your camera not sure if you watched the video yourself?? It's not just "running side to side" as you tried to explain.
The majority of the time when someone actually speedboosts it will glitch them around or teleport them. You can see from my pov I take a shot and run to a side, this is not speedboosting which again is shown from the tutorial you have linked so thanks for that.
As for you saying that the 2 previous reports I linked are irrelevant as this is not the same situation, I clearly said they are similar and not the same which you should know as you quoted my words. However this is not an RDM or fail driving report where the report is actually situational this is speedboosting where you are either doing it or you're not so the 2 previous reports I linked are not irrelevant.
It does seem you have an issue with having to win RP situations so I'm not going to entertain this further and some of the comments you have made are just straight up disrespectful so I will be leaving this for staff to deal with now.