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Report a player - Unknown Azteca - GTA RP

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Well-known member

Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Matias Cano
Reported Players: Unknown Azteca
Date: Feb 29, 2024
Time: 00:00
What best describes this incident: Aztecas knowingly shoot the door open to "teleport" inside, this is a known exploit to gain an unfair advantage when in a fighting situation as you can enter a room with the element of surprise as you seem to teleport in for others.
Please (in detail) describe the incident: I'm inside the bathroom of the arcade awaiting Aztecas as they are breaking through locked doors, I hear them clear the office next door and should face me at any moment, I sit there gun at the ready when I hear "okay im going to shoot the door" and the next moment you hear a machine pistol fire one bullet. The Azteca suddenly appears from nowhere seeming to "teleport" inside with me, before shooting me dead leaving me no fair chance in the situation. Shooting the door is a well-known exploit and tactic commonly used by Aztecas and this was a prime scenario of them taking advantage of the doors.
I believe this to be in breach of C2.2 exploiting as I'm sure shooting through doors is not allowed for this exact reason and thought they would be smarter about the situation due to the whole "shooting doors" incident with the Lost recently.

Link(s) To Any Evidence: https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/1YgkkPNNI8l6Ch/d1337DGpcIu2?invite=cr-MSxoSEksMTU3MTE1MTQ3LA
Hello, I am the person in the clip provided. I'll cut past the slander about shooting open doors and go to the facts in the clip provided, if you have another look at the clip you can see how I emerge from the bottom of the screen, this is due to me rolling in the doorway and moving through into your room, you can even hear the audio from my roll in the clip you provided. I unfortunately cannot answer as to why the door didn't open for you, that is something that appears to be client based, or simply luck of the draw and I cannot affect that part. There wasn't any reason as to why the door didn't open, except just bad luck. Not sure on what could've been done to avoid that as it would've happened either way. To clarify, nobody shot the door to the room you were inside.

I wish you would have called a liaison so we could've spoken about this instead of just rushing to the forums with baseless assumptions. Unfortunately I never clipped this situation, had I been called into a liaison I would've been able to grab the footage of it quickly and show what it looked like from my POV, you didn't give me the opportunity to do that so my explanation will have to do.
@Reece Dunn

Do you have a clip to prove this please?

I'll find it extremely hard to believe that you haven't if you say no, due to the fact you're going into an active gun fight and situation, who isn't going to be recording so that they can cover their own backside?

Either that or any other member of Aztecas please?

Thank you in advance.
Hello @Hank Summers ,

As mentioned in my previous reply I don't have a clip of this situation. I have my medal set up to take a 10 minute clip whenever I hit a hotkey as I found that using a full session recording setup was simply taking too much space on my PC unless I went through and removed the session after each and every game session. And given that neither I or anyone else involved in the situation did anything wrong I didn't clip to save any footage from the incident.

I must say though that I am finding it hard to understand what the issue here is? As I mentioned you can see from the clip general provided himself as well as the audio from the clip that I am rolling into the room, whether a door opens or not is completely out of my hand as they are client based. Another part also visable through the clip is the fact that once I start shooting General I am already placed directly face to face with him as I am inside the room, if I were to shoot him through what would be a closed door for him I'd think I wouldn't even be placed in the same room as him? It was mentioned in an unban linked to the lost report that using the doors in a way that only benefit you as a player would be seen as an exploit, I don't see how me rolling through the door is only beneficial to me.

I have asked around if any other Azteca had a clip of this situation but out of the few that were with me in that incident they either don't have that part clipped or haven't got any footage from the situation at all as nothing out of the ordinary occurred.

Had I gotten any notification from General whatsoever that he found the situation even the slightest worrying I would've been able to press my hotkey to save the clip and show him that what happened was purely a result of bad luck with the door not opening for him as well as I rolled through it. I can't be expected to keep clips upon clips on my computer taking up loads of space that I frequently use for other stuff, I'm only running on one SSD so I rather keep that one as clean as I can.
Hi @Reece Dunn
Thank you for your reply, its unfortunate that given the recent instance of Azteca and Doors you don't have a clip, I thought with anything to do with this, you guys would be on high alert and would be able to provide a clip if needed, I understand your concern about storage space and the likes, however, if I was in a gang and in a shootout, I'd certainly be clipping, or using Medals 'Bookmark' feature after every kill, uploading that session or those kills to a hosting website such as YouTube, just in case an instance of this comes up like this one here.

Now, without going into too much detail to avoid others exploiting (I'm not saying you are, but its to avoid it), there are things that you can do to prevent the doors from opening on the other players side, I believe this to be the case today, where you have done something to gain a view inside the toilet before entering so you can gain an advantage, this is after talking to the Staff and Dev team alike regarding this. I believe that there is no shot fired towards the door as this would have opened it both sides, but you're pushing this 'client side issue' a little too hard for my liking.

I don't think that rolling into a room is common practise as when the door is opened, no one else is rolling into the corridor, I believe that you have seen @GENERALLL aiming at head height and you know that if you roll into this room, you won't get shot, and this is exactly what happens.

I am well aware of the phrase 'Innocent until proven guilty', however, in this case, we just can't take that risk, unfortunately you've been caught with your hands in the till, it is now your chance in the forums to prove to us or convince us you were not taking the money, as such the following action will be taken,

Action to be taken

Character: Reece Dunn
Rule(s) Broken: C2.2
Action: Ban - Permeant
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