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Report a Player - [Ti] Roberto - Poor/Low Quality RP (Denied, warnings to both sides)

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Romania , Bucharest

Your In-game name


Name of the player(s) you are reporting

[Ti] Roberto

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?

Poor/Low Quality RP

Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

I was in Kavala going for the truck vendor when a red car starting following us (me and a buddy that i met on altisuk) . I told the driver to take to the safezone instead because i didn't want to get robbed so he did. The red car followed us there and kept circling us , prowling around , i tried to talk to the driver but he wouldn't respond.So i went to look for him because i knew he eventually will find me and his plans where clearly nefarious.
While i was looking for the red car driver i heard someone telling me to put my hands up , i complied. I asked my assailant if he is the driver of the red car , he told me that my friend should put his hands up and come near to me , the problem is i was alone , as you can see in the video. He said that if my friend won't join me in 5 seconds he will shoot me so when he got to 3 second i tried to run and i got shot.
My problem with what happened is this , first of all you can't ask something impossible from a player under the threat of death and then start a countdown. I have no idea why he would think i was with someone , i mean i was with two other people in ts but he couldn't use that info because it would be meta-gaming . And he could clearly saw that i was alone , i've been alone for several minutes.
I went to ts and told him that i didn't think that was very good rp , he was very dismissive and said that if i had a problem with it i should report him , so i did.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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Well, there is no clear evidence of your friend being around you, so I would like to ask @Rooberto how he was so sure and on what did he base his demand for your ''friend'' to come over. On the other hand, @Cursed you should take a look at the video again and explain to me why you are moving in and out of a greenzone with your weapon drawn

Concluding: I am very unhappy with both sides here, and I want a solid explanation before I decide to warn you both or ban you both.

[SIZE= medium][COLOR= #6b29ee](6.2)[/COLOR] Weapons must be holstered inside greenzones at all times. [/SIZE]


[SIZE= medium][COLOR= #6b29ee](6.5)[/COLOR] If you are in active combat you are unable to run into the green zone to avoid being killed/robbed (Punishment is a ban)[/SIZE]

It may not have been active combat, but the fact you say yourself in your story, and I quote:

[SIZE= medium]'' [/SIZE]I told the driver to take to the safezone instead because i didn't want to get robbed so he did. ''

meaning you were prepared to use a greenzone as a refuge from possible robbery or other bad things.

Hello , so to answer this report , i knew he had a friend because Loki and hes friend tried to surround me all the time outside greenzone so i knew that he had someone with him. They was exploiting the border to greenzone alot (not shown in the video) , also i shoot him because he putted down hes hands when i pointed a gun at him i dont know but value his life like that kinda doesnt make sense when you have a gun pointing at you. 

Also i dont understand what i could get banned for ? i defended myself when i saw 2 rebels with guns runing towards me.

''  (me and a buddy that i met on altisuk) . I told the driver  '' Taken from him saying this. ( this proof that he had hes friend with him)


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Maybe my language was a bit to harsh. I understand why you shot him, he tried to pull a gun out. I don't quite care about the shooting, he took that risk and paid the price.

I care about how you knew he had someone with him, where in the video it doesn't show this. Never do you hear comms sugesting his friend his there close enough as backup. How did you know it was him + how did you know he had a friend as backup (Which he hasn't, or I didn't see it)

''i defended myself when i saw 2 rebels with guns runing towards me''

Got any video of the second one, because I do not see him nor  hear anything saying he was there..

And as said, I also have some questions for @Cursed, so before any decision is made, I am requesting more answers and/or evidence.

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Yes ofcourse i understand that Khandamir , I dont have any video because i thought there was no problem at all here. But hes saying kinda much in hes text that he had a friend with him. And i saw them both standing in GZ and putting their hands up and down towards me ( kinda trolling because they knew they was right at the border to GZ ). But if Loki did record a bit longer that 5min you would se that he had a friend with him that had a MX SW i think without scopes i think the guy was @herolfson or something like that. Also he state in video that he have friends because he says '' why do you chase us '' .

I found a picture that i by misstake took by pressing my steam picture thingy idk if its enough proof but shows a bit atleast - http://imgur.com/PwAxXfA


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As far as I got it, the other guy was still in his car somewhere, at no point are there gang tags visible, or is there backup to be seen. His comms would have included a warning about being held up, or instructions on to where to go, to follow him etc. IF there had been a friend..

After gathering opinions from other staff members, I am denying the report on Fail RP, but since it did come very close to that, demanding something on the threat of death that the other side cannot give( You can see he has no other choice but to run away, since he cannot comply with the stated demand. It was a scenario where he would have died regardless),

I will warn you about this.

When you are stating someone a demand on the threat of death, and he keeps saying he can not comply with this, you should have believed him, may have been a bit of a risk, but then again: If he DID have a friend, and would have denied even under direct threat of death, it would have been failRP from his side. From a RP point of view, the threat of death should have made him tell his friend to come forth, yet he kept claiming he didn't have a friend, which makes it plausible that he indeed did not have his friend around close enough to back him up.

Edit: thanks for the screenshot

Decision on @Cursedpending, waiting for you to answer the questions stated and also a comment on the picture. Why are you purposely standing on the edge of a greenzone?

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I don't have any clear excuse for having my weapon out in the greenzone , i simply forgot , i'm new to this island and i really try to follow all the rules but this time it kinda slipped my mind.I could've edited that part of the video if i wanted too but i didn't , it really slipped my mind. I'm very sorry for it and if you decide that i deserve a punishment i totally agree with your decision.

My problem with Roberto wasn't the fact that he killed me , i tried to run and he killed me , fair enough , but he put me in an impossible situation , i was truly alone so i couldn't fabricate a friend and he started a countdown. If more people start doing this , asking impossible things under the threat of death , a lot of rdm reports will start to pour in. Roberto seemes like a nice guy and i never had problems with him again , i don't want him to get banned , but when i tried to speak to him he was very dismissive of me when i really only wanted from him was some kind of an apology , just something like "my bad" would've been cool.

All i want from this is for Roberto not to do that again , put someone in an impossible situation , that's all.

Thank you for understanding and i'm sorry if i wasted your time with this report.

Hello , so to answer this report , i knew he had a friend because Loki and hes friend tried to surround me all the time outside greenzone so i knew that he had someone with him. They was exploiting the border to greenzone alot (not shown in the video) , also i shoot him because he putted down hes hands when i pointed a gun at him i dont know but value his life like that kinda doesnt make sense when you have a gun pointing at you. 

Also i dont understand what i could get banned for ? i defended myself when i saw 2 rebels with guns runing towards me.

''  (me and a buddy that i met on altisuk) . I told the driver  '' Taken from him saying this. ( this proof that he had hes friend with him)

Clear evidence of metagaming, Rooberto knew we regularly run around together and used that meta knowledge in an attempt to force Loki to do an impossible task of asking "his friend to come out". I know those who aren't involved aren't supposed to comment, but seeing as I was in teamspeak with him and can confirm he was alone, I feel obligated to post.

@Rob UstYou feel obligated to post even tho you know you shouldn't.. Well.. I now feel obliged to give you a warning point for it. Follow the rules, you could have let your friend post this for you.

@Cursedthanks for your explanation. This will remain a warning for you as well, you had your GPS open so there was no reason to not have known when you entered/exit the greenzone, keep an eye on that.

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