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Report a Player - Temp - Other

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Your In-game name


Name of the player(s) you are reporting


Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 2

Please (in detail) describe the incident

Temp broke (5.3) rule describing that he cannot remember any previous roleplay situations.

Together with friends, we've robbed Temp at weed processor, he didn't comply to give us keys to his tempest so we decided to shoot him. After processing and arriving to Kavala drug dealer, Temp took his truck and probably stored it.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)



You repeatedly asked me for my keys for the tempest even though I told you my tempest wasn't with me, my tempest was stolen earlier on by another player. I was not the only person who had access to the tempest so you cannot blame me for driving/stealing the tempest from the drug dealer if I was not the only key holder of the tempest.

Where is your evidence that I took the tempest? There isn't, because I didn't steal it from the drug dealer.

If you would of let me explained myself before shooting me, I could of told you my tempest was stolen earlier on and someone else had access, they obviously thought I was at the drug dealer so stole the tempest back.


Okay maybe you are right. Insufficient evidence then. And well we could explain that if u would answer to get on teamspeak. Also I don't understand saying he is cool dude or something, you were not participating in this situation.

I met Luksis while I was supposedly stealing a tempest from the drug dealers. You asked me to join Teamspeak while I was at the rebel outpost with Luksis and I did not join Teamspeak with you because I had no clue what you was talking about. I am more then happy to join Teamspeak now to talk about this situation.

I didn't feel I needed to co-operate with you since when I was trying to explain my situation at the Weed Processor you shot me in the head. So I felt I had no obligation to speak with you anymore.

Like I said, if you would like to take this to teamspeak, tell me which room..


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Rejected, no evidence of Temp stealing the truck at the drug dealer.

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