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Report a Player - [TCK] Toddy - RDM<br>Poor/Low Quality RP<br>Other

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Active member

Your In-game name


Name of the player(s) you are reporting

[TCK] Toddy

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?

Poor/Low Quality RP

Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

My gang member and myself were approaching a truck that was hanging around the drug dealer south of Kavala (Nira), during which they spotted us and 2 armed rebels stayed outside the dealer while the truck drove off. I stayed in cover while my gang member went to see what the score was, with that they responded that he needed to put his hands up and then to drop all of his gear. I peeked from the building i was taking cover in, killed both rebels (TCK members). The truck proceeded to leave the area during this gun fight. Very shortly after i killed the 2nd rebel (TCK Toddy) it appeared in chat that he had died again. I would like to add that his body disappeared very quickly from the scene and i was left with only a sack in the building which he was hiding in but thought nothing of it at the time. Then as you can see in the next video, within 1-2 minutes (if that) he is, what i can only presume to be robbing someone else, killed another player. When we confronted him in Side Chat regarding this, both him and his gang member replied with "LOL" (also have this recorded but did not feel it was completely necessary) which makes me think even more that something dodgy is going on. The last video is, as you can clearly see, Toddy performing very bad RP. I was busy selling drugs at the dealer while RP'ing with 2 other players who were "film crew" reporting on the daily happenings of a rebel life when Toddy approached from behind a wall and attempted to rob us as you can hear. When he realises he is pinned, not likely to survive and can not think of anything else to do he executes both "film crew" players while they were stood still with hands on their heads (absolutely no threat).

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)





This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)



Can see that the YT video links have appeared as 1 complete link, any way of me being able to paste the links without it appearing as a video in the post?






Hope that helps :)

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When he realises he is pinned, not likely to survive and can not think of anything else to do he executes both "film crew" players while they were stood still with hands on their heads (absolutely no threat).​
@Toddy The guys you compensated with me were these two reporter types - @pyroplayzstuff as I recall. The chap reporting I think I saw sniping from one of the buildings at the back. Same situation, different party. Hope this helps.

@ArrogantBread The second time I died was purely because I was glitched in my house and was unable to move so I respawned.

ok, so the two reporters, that issue was sorted on TS.

As for the kill then be killed, im not sure what OP was trying to insinuate (hacks maybe?) theres nothing to it there as has been explained.


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