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Report a Player - (TCK)Pee Money - VDM (Denied 10/05/2017)

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Your In-game name

(AL)Chance Vagman

Name of the player(s) you are reporting

(TCK)Pee Money

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

We were driving down the road and were vdm'ed by another MRAP which is fine but roleplay was not initated before hand which makes it against the rules. we did not try to resolve the situation as we had a problem earlier that they didnt want to let us try to resolve.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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 updated video noticed i trimmed last one too short to prove identity

As i was involved and as i was just talking to you on team speak where in our lobby after you put the report up im going to comment on this.

As you can see in my report from 35 min earlier where i posted these two screen shots of what they were saying to us after the incident happent.



Is that a proper thing to tell someone? Is that something you should be going around saying in OOC to people. If you have a problem with someone or something you ask them to come on team speak to resolve it. YOU DO NOT TELL THEM THAT THEY ARE A SPACKER AND A PUSSY ON OOC.

Upon that you just came into out lobby 15 min ago, we talked a bit then you told reiss to "shut your fucking mouth" and then you left. Is that proper behavior? This is an adult community, you should not act this way in this community.

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Oh and i'd also like to point out in the video at 30 sec your buddy going "oh its pee money, its pee money"... Do i even have to explain how thats meta gaming?

Also for the second time. I'd like the admin reviewing this to consider if this a revenge report or not considering me reporting his friends 35 minutes earlier.

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4 minutes ago, AntonW said:

As i was involved and as i was just talking to you on team speak where in our lobby after you put the report up im going to comment on this.

As you can see in my report from 35 min earlier where i posted these two screen shots of what they were saying to us after the incident happent.



Is that a proper thing to tell someone? Is that something you should be going around saying in OOC to people. If you have a problem with someone or something you ask them to come on team speak to resolve it. YOU DO NOT TELL THEM THAT THEY ARE A SPACKER AND A PUSSY ON OOC.

Upon that you just came into out lobby 15 min ago, we talked a bit then you told reiss to "shut your fucking mouth" and then you left. Is that proper behavior? This is an adult community, you should not act this way in this community.

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I'm here to report one thing and if you wanna talk about meta gaming then talk to pee about taking about our bank balances in game side chat or it it's still in game

Also why is boothy being brought into this report he has nothing to do with it besides the fact that he was in the vehicle that got vdm'ed if you have a problem with him put it somewhere else

I do not want to couse to much drama on the forums by having a flame war back and forth but as i feel i need to reply i will.

Firstly as a response to Boothy. You broke rules, you called pee money a "spacker" and a "pussy", while 20 min earlier while we were trying to resolve another matter you called us pussies and then left.

And as a reply to chance vagman. Talking about bank money in OOC chat, i dont think you know what the word meta gaming means.

Also boothy is being brought into this as he was in both situations and he was there when we were resolving the other incident before. Also as he is in your gang, he represents your gang when hes talking to pee in OOC. Him calling pee money a "spacker" and a "pussy "in OOC doesnt really make is seem like you want to resolve anything.

I know resolving is no longer a requirement although it would be nice if you atleast put some effort in it and not just started calling us bad names in OOC.

Now if you do not have something critical to say i'd rather the admins review this than a flame war breaking out.

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Well.if you dismiss their claims. Remeber i never went to TS to resolve anything to do with the VDM. It was clear VDM. I wasnt in TS so that in no way is revenge. As it was like half 5am i had to sleep for work and was unable to submit a report at that moment. 

So regardless of your defense it was VDM.

About 10 minutes after the initial encounter took place with them guys you flew directly into me on the road saying that oops " i dropped onion rings on the keyboard" and that you love " ifrit on ifrit action :p "

Blatant VDM.

And you call them silly and childish lol

I have said before that i do not want a back and forth argument on the forums, but i feel i will write one last reply to these gents.

I call them silly and childish because instead of being an adult and ask them to come to team speak to resolve it like we did 20 min earlier when you lads rdmed and metagamed me, your lad decides to start calling pee money a "spacker" and a "pussy" in OOC. This is not how you behave in an adult community, you should atleast try to resolve the matter on team speak instead of just insulting us in OOC. If you would have asked, im sure pee money would have spoken to you and resolved it, but instead of simply resolving it by talking to us on team speak your friend decide to insult us with horrible words that you should not be using and then put a report up.

You lads could of atleast put some effort into trying to resolve it instead of insulting us and reporting without resolving anything.

Now if you do not have anything more to add to this report i'd prefer if we just let the admins decide.

Sorry forgot to add this:

Now i will reach out a hand and say that we are willing to resolve the issue on team speak if youre willing to. Just send pee money or myself a message on team speak.

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 Stop bringing that into the VDM issue.

Firstly it is completely Unrelated to the issue. Boothy may have said the wrong terms. or the terms that have triggered you. However as the driver of the ifrit. It is infact unrelated. and a non factor to do with Pee moneys VDM.  and has nothing do do with the VDM.

(2.1) Especially the bit where initiation is required.  Please note that you need to initiate roleplay before attempting to ram an MRAP. (Please note - MRAPS don't need to be initiated on in the redzone) This is to prevent random ramming on site. (Three minutes of chasing also constitutes initiation of MRAP and MRAP ramming).

it was just a head on smash. 
So the admins Will deffiantley take that in to account. 

And again for the Admins record. That was the choice of individual members to say what they did. The VDM is seperate and above all most important.
Take the other issue to another Report. and stop trying to overshadow this one with your Childish offence at mere words. 
Your literally offended by simple words yet you are the adult.  who runs to tell on people who hurt your feelings. 

Its a non Factor. Take it elsewhere this is a VDM report.

Let the Admin Decide. 

Right all the people involved in this report and the others, we are going to resolve this on teamspeak. With me Present. Please contact me on teamspeak.
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