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Report a Player - [TBM][L] Mvp G.P.S - Poor/Low Quality RP

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Well-known member

Your In-game name


Name of the player(s) you are reporting

[TBM][L] Mvp G.P.S

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)

What best describes this incident ?

Poor/Low Quality RP

Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

Yesterday i was trying to land at Copper procesor whit my heli...
[TBM][L] Mvp G.P.S came to me and said:"Get out of the vehicle."
My engine was turn on and i couldnt hear him clearly... When i took off he started shooting at me.
After i check recording i heard that he said:"Get out of the vehicle."
I think that that is very bad rp and its very hard to hear someone if u are in heli whit engine on.
I asked a member support and he said that is poor rp.
When we were resolving situation his friend said:"Report him you will not get far whit it."
And he seems to be okey whit that.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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This report is not about me or anyone I am associated with, however during the night I was asked to mediate in a dispute concerning it as no member support or staff were available, and the reported player has asked I input what I was told.

You asked both myself and Mr Rabbit for our opinions on the situation, and we've both said it was not fail RP in our eyes given the story you provided. If you wish to quote one member support in saying it was Fail RP, please add a disclaimer you went around the Teamspeak seeking out anyone who would agree with you. Your attitude towards me shifted quite negatively when I said (that in my opinion) they did not need to compensate you, as when you landed later on to return fire, you done so knowing you were entering a gunfight. Mr Rabbit also said you become quite angry towards him when he also disagreed with you, whom I seen you go and speak to immediately after I left the channel.

I won't reiterate my opinion given for the video you've posted as it has no standing in the report and is for staff to judge, but I would like to make the staff member who deals with this report aware Sniffo did go on a fishing trip around Teamspeak for anyone who agreed with him in order to coerce the reported player into providing compensation for when he was killed not long after this video, where landed his helicopter and fired back at them, but was killed.

My engine was turn on and i couldnt hear him clearly... When i took off he started shooting at me.
After i check recording i heard that he said:"Get out of the vehicle."
Another note, is that during the Teamspeak conversation we had, you did indeed state to me that you heard the guy approaching your vehicle shouting at you to get out and that you understood him. You further stated to me you took off because you thought he "just wanted a conversation" and you did not have time for that, and then changed your story to something about them wanting a repair kit.

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This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


At no point in this conversation to you state to me that you could not hear me and you also had your earplugs in on the video..
Also, in the video it is almost obvious you could hear me anyways, as you turned the helicopters backside towards me and started to fly away as soon as i said get out of the vehicle and proceed to fly away so
i shot and you then proceeded to land 200m away and return fire. With your excuse being to *protect* yourself anyone would know that i had no chance of shooting out a hellcat with the gun i was using so you obviously saw this as initiation.

When you was asking for comp off me and lewis you said you had a Katiba and a MXM we asked you for evidence of you having both of the weapons and you instantly said just forget about the MXM Black (Which i had died using) but you kept asking us to comp you for the attachments that were on the MXM and Katiba and that caused suspicion that you was trying to get more money than you actually lost as you only have 300k in the bank - Checked @ stats altis. After Vaffla talking to you and expressing his opinion on the matter we decided it wasn't worth comping you.
I am not too sure why you have proceeded to the forums and lied about the situation, by saying you couldn't hear me.

Thanks to the admins that take their time to view and reply to this and I await your verdict!

Also thanks to Vaffla for inputting what you knew about the situation.

I would also like to get  me, you, lewis and an admin in teamspeak so we can have an adult conversation about the matter and what we can do to resolve it if possible.

Thanks again :)


Now is the time to come clean, is this report the truth or not, because Vaffla is technically a member of our team, and I can and WILL take his testimony into consideration.

Can I also add to this. I recorded some of the TS convo we had and will be more than happy to upload any parts a admin would like to see, aslong as its within the bit I recorded of course.

As my internet is bad so I will do it asoon as I am off my PC and every one in the house is off the internet as it would disrupt anyone who is on it too.

I will not be commenting on this again today as I am tired and do not want to put any incorrect information on here that may lead to it looking like were the ones lying.

Thanks Soldier and Vaffla for taking the time out of your day's to comment on this and I hope you enjoy your days and sorry about you guys having to spend time on the fourms dealing with this.

This report is truth...

I asked @aTa. He said that was poor rp...And I send video to @Ram and he said its poor rp too.

@DSGT VafflaI was not mad at u or Mr.Rabbit...But I really dont see any quality rp here.

I landed on the hill so I could get ur name to talk about that. After I  jumped out of the heli on the hill ur friends started shooting at me.

I could hear that u said something about get out but I couldnt hear u clearly.

About the compesation I said that would be nice if u could comp me. As u said I have only 300k but that doesnt mean that I reported u because u didnt gave me a comp.


MXM (Black) is 310k...And u picked it up from my body, so I said  u can just give me back MXM instead of giving me 290k...

Ur friend said:"Report him u will not get far whit it." That is the only reason why I took this to the forums.

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Only thing I can add on this, is that I got asked about it, and shared my opinion. 

I said as long as he initiated on you, and you got enough time to react on it (which you stated to me, that you had the time to lspin your bird up again and lift off). 

You told me, that you got killed by them after landing on a different hilltop where these lads shot you and killed you. I do not believe these guys should get a strike against them, since they have initiated, you got away, but decided to come "back" (land in a nearby area", amwhich got yourself killed. 

*ADDED*: As Vaffla said, theattitude changed alot when you heard I didnt approve with you. Going from member support to member support to get an opinion, is in my eyes to just "look after something to get these lads on".. 

If I was handling this, I would denied it, due to the facts on the table at this moment. 

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Report Rejected


I believe you have lied and used edited footage based on what I've seen for the purposes of making a false report. You came very close to a community ban for your actions. However I am taking action against you. Another member of the staff can review a unban appeal if you choose to make one, and make the determination if you should play here or not.


Steam ID:76561198202054051


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