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Report a player - Tayla Marabunta - GTA RP

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Well-known member
Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Alex Torez

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: Tayla Marabunta

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 02/22/23

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 2215

What best describes this incident ?: NVL

Please (in detail) describe the incident: Had a gun up to her, she clearly heard me to say get out the car, edged my car infront of hers so she couldnt just drive off, instead reverses away and starts radio'ing

I know the initiation left a lot to be desired, was on their turf so rushing to get them out into zipties and then moved somewhere safer to continue with some proper RP

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

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While I can appreciate this from your perspective, you have blacked out windows pointed in the direction of myself meaning in RP there’s no way I could have seen into your window and saw the gun. 

even IF In RP I could see your gun, you put the gun down to radio it in and I start moving the car again, as I begin reversing that’s when you put the gun back up but by this point I was already turned around and driving. So this is where I took my opportunity to dip. 

if you had maybe said “I’ve got a gun pointed at you, get out the car” then yes that would have been understandable and I would have gotten out of the car. 

Thank you for reaching out to me in OOC before this report I just didn’t get chance to respond in time until after the report was put up. 

my issue with that is that you know I'm grove, and that I 100% have a gun pointed at you if im telling you to get out of your car, as well as the side of the car im in is the other side to the tinted window with my front window being completely clear and tilted towards you. I think claiming you didn't know I was pointing a gun is quite silly, as you've said here in your reply you took the chance while i was radioing - inferring you knew a gun was pointed at you, yet you reversed leaving me a clear line of sight to shoot you if I took it

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If you think about what my character could see, the way the cars were aligned, I could not see through your front window. - through my characters eyes. - I was just looking at a blacked out passenger window. 

yes because it’s a game technically I could see it but the point I was trying to make was that even if I could see the gun pointed at me you dropped it whilst radioing being where I would have took my chance to dip from the situation IF my character could see it 

If you think about what my character could see, the way the cars were aligned, I could not see through your front window. - through my characters eyes. - I was just looking at a blacked out passenger window. 

yes because it’s a game technically I could see it but the point I was trying to make was that even if I could see the gun pointed at me you dropped it whilst radioing being where I would have took my chance to dip from the situation IF my character could see it 
I just feel like the server would be very different if people were only seeing through their roleplay eyes whenever it suits them to avoid any potential dangers even if they do see it on their screen, and i can easily put the radio down as the gun is still on my lap ready to be pointed at you again so the threat wasnt gone, i was also in one of the fastest acceleration cars in the game so it wasn't like you were going to get away anyhow.

I just feel like your actions directly led to your characters death when it could've been easily avoided had you gotten out the car when I told you to with a gun pointed at you, severing any chance of roleplay after that point, hence why I believe its NVL

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Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed

Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions

Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!


Ignore this was very intoxicated when I wrote that and do wanna keep the report open since we didn't actually come to an agreement on whether it was breaking NVL or not

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here is a longer clip and again, i understand my initiation was quite poor, however we were on her turf and i recognised her as tayla from marabunta due to her appearance and hearing her talk, and upon looking at mara turf i noticed a ninja most likely belonging to paddy (her partner ingame) from marabunta was parked outside so wanted to get away from there and provide hostage RP as soon as possible in order to value my life/avoid being shot in a drawn out confrontation where im focused on her in an area dangerous for me

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Hello all @sigmatic@tayx,

Thank you for the longer clip.

What I will say straight off the bat, please never say 'initiation' ever again. We don't use that here and have not since ArmA days. @sigmatic

Moving on, I fail to see the argument for NVL. All you say is 'GET OUT THE CAR, GET OUT THE CAR, GET OUT THE CAR' baring in mind that your passenger side window isn't broken and is fully blacked out. With the position that @tayxis at, she wouldn't have been able to see your gun and so she has drove off, and you've started shooting at her without any threat being made from her POV at least.

Think of it this way, if we stopped what we were doing every time a Pillbox baldy said 'Let my friend go', 'Stop driving!', 'Get out your car' and complied with their demands, with no valid threat being made. Baldies would get away with a lot more than they already do.

If you had aimed the gun at her, blacked out window or not and said along the lines of 'Get out that fucking car now, otherwise you're going to be riddled with bullets' - Along those lines, you get me....? Roleplay... and she had still drove off, that would've been a breach of 'Value of Life'. Context means everything, and the context here. I just don't see it.

Please do better with your Roleplay @sigmatic

With the above being said, the following punishments will be given;

Action: Warning

CharID: 79280

Rules: G1.2

Thank you for your report, Unfortunately, it has been declined

The staff member will advise shortly why on this occasion they have declined to take action against the reported player.

Please do not let this put you off making further reports in the future, We rely on our player base to help keep our community clean.


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