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Report a Player - Squeaky - Poor/Low Quality RP

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Well-known member
The Netherlands

Your In-game name

SGT Crexvin Wildley

Name of the player(s) you are reporting


Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?

Poor/Low Quality RP

Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

The story:
Me and my PC drove through Kavala when we see a suspicous offroad taking a sudden turn when it saw us to me it looked like it wanted to avoid cops so I try to follow and ANPR it and of course my feeling are right and its a wanted vehicle. We ensue a persuit and the vehicle come's to a stop not long after. Of course im trying to have a talk with him and see why he did his crimes and has this gun but before I can get a word in he is already vaguely throwing threats after this he drives away and we ensue a second persuit but this time when it came to a stop he immideatly shoots me and my PC.

The problem:
1.The moment we you got out of our car you already try to vaguely threathen our life and said 'you know what's gonna happen'. Well I didnt know because I cant metagame, I cant know your part of a 'notorious group' who kills alot. So I have to approach every civilian the same and see them the same and that means I need to see them as good people no matter what they did or gun they have because if I didnt I could get in some trouble.

2.There wasnt really one moment in my eyes you roleplayed with me or my fellow cops you only (again) vaguely implied that you are going to shoot us. We were nice to you we didnt try to get you in restrains all I tried was talking to you and I barely got the chance to. Because of this I think you didnt really follow a standard this server has let me quote"Hello and welcome to Roleplay UK's rules! In order to maintain our extremely high quality of roleplay,"(my point the extremely high quality roleplay, I didnt get)

3.The Threats, you werent clear that if were going to do anything you are going to kills us you only vaguely imply it which in my eyes isnt a real initation. Because you did it so vaguely I couldnt get you for threathing my life because of this you did 'initiate' from your side but us as cops couldnt do anything about and if that is the case it isnt a real initaition. So if we look at the what we could have caught you for was only your gun and your wanted-ness(you can roleplay out of this). And only if we only caught you for the gun you can also roleplay out of that since and let me qoute again "our extremely high quality of roleplay".

4.Baiting, Why you may ask? Because you knew what is going to happen and yet still you stop and show off you big guns and refuse to really roleplay with me or my other cops just only issue threats, you chose to go for a gunfight because you knew we couldnt let someone with such a high bounty go.

Teamspeak: We had a chat on teamspeak about this but we didnt get anywhere and you didnt see how you where in the wrong.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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The story:
Me and my PC drove through Kavala when we see a suspicous offroad taking a sudden turn when it saw us to me it looked like it wanted to avoid cops so I try to follow and ANPR it and of course my feeling are right and its a wanted vehicle. We ensue a persuit and the vehicle come's to a stop not long after. Of course im trying to have a talk with him and see why he did his crimes and has this gun but before I can get a word in he is already vaguely throwing threats after this he drives away and we ensue a second persuit but this time when it came to a stop he immideatly shoots me and my PC.

[SIZE=14.6667px]Yes, you ANPR the vehicle give a “oh no” and your associate officer begins to read out the charges in question. You can hear various charges such as cop killer and murder manslaughter. Im also quite curious about this whole “oh fuck I am going for him” yet later on you say “I have to see every civilian the same ”  displaying you have given a reaction to who owns the car. Now while you maintain this in a RP sense i think it's clear from over TS that you know it's Invictia. (Fortunately we have dutch people in Invictia and I quote “the police are pussys because he is Invictia” lets hope this metagame doesn't influence you in any way right ? ) So you are aware  might have a issue trying to take our firearms or arrest us over our bounties as we  don’t want to lose them. Now onto the RP ingame, “I approach you like every other civilian” well there is your first issue, i'm a wanted man with multiple counts of cop killer so you approach me as if i'm unarmed with no caution (and one of us has a gun as you can see in the back)? From a RP sense that doesn't really add up at all unless you perceived the vehicle to be stolen however judging by your reaction in TS you don't perceive this to be true.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]“Don't be aggressive towards them” while the PC decides to aim his weapon towards us ? He might of been sensible in doing so, I mean at least he is giving caution to wanted men. Adding on to this you request me to not be passive aggressive while the PC is pointing a weapon in my direction. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Let's further discuss the RP that was provided, typically our interactions with the police go far more sour far quicker than what they did then i'm sure if you just ask around you will hear about them initiating at the sight of a Invicita vehicle with “out the car with your hands up” because of this I feel that my response is almost instinctive at this point to warn the police off before i start getting shot at first. While the RP that was provided wasn't fantastic i'm not to sure what kind of rp you were looking for from wanted cop killers with large firearms. Perhaps you were going to take the route of impounding the vehicle so at least the mk1 would be gone like most police ? Regardless of what could've happened your intentions were clear. You wanted to stop and arrest us and that is something we didn't want. So when a conflict of interests arises there has to be some form of solution and unfortunately this one led to your death as you failed to comply with the orders given. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]At 51 seconds you can hear “stop following or you will get shot” I think that is clear initiation (Please note the word shot ends fast as i was stuck in an animation.) I feel it's important to note you are discussing the possibility of a gunfight before you even pull us over giving me the impression that maybe you wanted one despite saying you don’t considering that you followed after my warnings were clear. However in this instance you were killed before you could fire a bullet leading to frustration on your part.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]You state “we could of RP’d it out until I saw the mk 1” well other than the fact the video is rather choppy and LQ the passenger at the back has his Mk 1 out the entire time which i should think would contribute to the whole idea that we are possibly wanted men and we know what the cops are like when it comes to high bounties. The room to RP with you after you have ANPR’d a vehicle and spotted one of us with a black mk 1 is limited, couple this with the fact that we can't store the guns in our backpacks to hide it allowing cops to do the classic impound the vehicle with them mk1 inside and i think you see our issue here (normally without saying a word.) So we warn you off to leave us alone and what will happen if you don't is clear. So once you we drive off you follow and call for backup at which point you get killed when we crashed as it was clear you didn't want to comply with the order given to not follow us so we could get away. I sense a little bit of anger of the fact you didn't get your way with us to be honest. While trying to keep this report about this incident as much as possible i think it's a given that you have a dislike for Invictia and in the past have tried everything in your power a a cop to pardon or ticket us. If we add this to the fact that every bank op we do when you are online leads to some status update about us because of how you were killed and i think you see the point i'm getting at. You seem to have a bit of a personal issue with myself and the rest of Invictia, whether this played a part in you reporting it after staff told you there was no rules broken I don't know however i feel that this should atleast be taken into account. When asked what staff members gave their opinion on this he would not say, so maybe they could add their input here if they wouldn't mind ?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]To conclude, the Rp that was given presented a conflict of interests you wanted something we did not want. We gave a valid order with enough time to comply to which you did not and you were killed as a result of not complying with the order given. [/SIZE]

It was my input.

It's simple. You are driving around in the countries capital city, knowingly driving around in a wanted vehicle while fully armed. You get chased and are cheeky enough to stop, with only a few of you, to issue a instant threat to the officers. Not even trying to get away with it, not even trying escaping them in a chase. In a realistic scenario you would be tazed instantly as soon as you issued that threat, seeing the fact you are carrying illegal firearms. Yet the officers give you the decency to talk to you, but all you do is issue threats.

If you do not want to be subjected to police roleplay, getting searched, getting ANPR'd, outplay them. All you wanted here was to draw some attention, issue a initiation and kill some cops.

It is a serious roleplay server, the attitude of some rebels, publically wearing illegal firearms all the time, knowing that if the cops do something its initiation and they can get another gunfight, of wearing their bounty as a proud thing instead of trying to get rid of it to make life easier, it just shows all of the people fitting that profile have a severe lack for wanting to RP and way to much focus on getting into a gunfight.

Sure, we all like a bit of gunplay. But put some thought behind what you do, how you behave as a character instead of just playing the game of ''never get caught, never lose anything, kill anyone who tries to stop you from escaping, kill anyone who tries to make you lose anything''

Text-book example of poorly inspired rebel roleplay, same old, same old, taking the smallest possible excuse to initiate and kill.

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it just shows all of the people fitting that profile have a severe lack for wanting to RP and way to much focus on getting into a gunfight.
I would also like to note, no more than 30 mins before this occurred Invictia had performed a RP bank so this statement is incorrect.

Statement is not incorrect because you pull of a roleplay bankjob. That's a completely different case. Preparing a roleplay bankjob and playing it out well shows you CAN roleplay. Your behaviour in this video clearly shows you either wanted to be confronted by the cops, driving your own vehicle, being wanted, or your lack of being able to come up with original roleplay on the spot when confronted by 2x your numbers in cops.. I'm still struggling to see why you weren't tazed as soon as you issued a threat, I'm guessing if you were, it would be you here reporting about it being RDM and poor RP by the cops?

Yet, somehow it strikes me that cops tazing you the second you issue a threat and are this heavily armed is more realistic and fitting on a serious roleplay server, than a wanted, for THREE MILLION, man driving a vehicle registered to his own name with a weapon so big he can't hide it. Maybe, instead of pointing out a technicallity in my reply, you can reply to the things I actually say about the situation.

I could disect your whole comment because it kind of makes some  very bad statments but lets just keep it with a short answer : my opinions on TS dont affect my in-game persona as since a cop I cant use my feelings towards someone to put them in a disadvantage and like you see I didnt.

Now instead of argueing I would like to wait for the verdict of the admins since we both laid down our side's although I have to say your side is more of a 'reaction and disection'  Instead of actually putting your side down.

It was my input.

It's simple. You are driving around in the countries capital city, knowingly driving around in a wanted vehicle while fully armed. You get chased and are cheeky enough to stop, with only a few of you, to issue a instant threat to the officers. Not even trying to get away with it, not even trying escaping them in a chase. In a realistic scenario you would be tazed instantly as soon as you issued that threat, seeing the fact you are carrying illegal firearms. Yet the officers give you the decency to talk to you, but all you do is issue threats.

If you do not want to be subjected to police roleplay, getting searched, getting ANPR'd, outplay them. All you wanted here was to draw some attention, issue a initiation and kill some cops.

It is a serious roleplay server, the attitude of some rebels, publically wearing illegal firearms all the time, knowing that if the cops do something its initiation and they can get another gunfight, of wearing their bounty as a proud thing instead of trying to get rid of it to make life easier, it just shows all of the people fitting that profile have a severe lack for wanting to RP and way to much focus on getting into a gunfight.

Sure, we all like a bit of gunplay. But put some thought behind what you do, how you behave as a character instead of just playing the game of ''never get caught, never lose anything, kill anyone who tries to stop you from escaping, kill anyone who tries to make you lose anything''

Text-book example of poorly inspired rebel roleplay, same old, same old, taking the smallest possible excuse to initiate and kill.

[SIZE=14.6667px]Getting away in a off-road is not a viable option tbh. It’s like telling a PC to chase the sports hatchback with his SUV it's not going to happen and we all know it. The officer spoke to me criticising my use of language and implying i wouldn't get away so what you're now saying is that i have to just give up ? “Original” RP or not I can see very few officers not taking the passengers firearm or at least attempting to so what you're now basically saying is don't act like rebels and issue a threat as opposed to sitting down and being arrested ? How can you assume my intentions is to “get police attention to initiate to kill cops” it's a 3 min video with no indication of this. I would hope that instead of subjectively speculating our intentions that you might of seen evidence that this was our intention to do so. As far as I am aware yes having a gun might cause the police to chase you but when you have to have it on display because of a arma mechanic doesn't classify as intentionally getting police attention( if you want to know we were just finishing the RP hm and i was on my way to hospital). You talk about wanting a gunfight however if this was the case there are far easier ways of doing so i.e. doing the bank, simply having a gun out doesn't warrant “wanting a gunfight.” You talk about thought into character and comment on removing my bounty to make my life easier, well put bluntly life isn't hard with a high bounty either. I aimed in this life to be a notorious criminal that has evaded police arrest on multiple occasions (as i have done.) who won't be stopped until he is apprehended (may say it's shallow but rebel RP is limited at best) Whilst acting to assist those who need help I.e people without a gang doing legal runs. Just because one cop spotted a weapon doesn't mean that I should have to give up myself and give them their way.[/SIZE]

Statement is not incorrect because you pull of a roleplay bankjob. That's a completely different case. Preparing a roleplay bankjob and playing it out well shows you CAN roleplay. Your behaviour in this video clearly shows you either wanted to be confronted by the cops, driving your own vehicle, being wanted, or your lack of being able to come up with original roleplay on the spot when confronted by 2x your numbers in cops.. I'm still struggling to see why you weren't tazed as soon as you issued a threat, I'm guessing if you were, it would be you here reporting about it being RDM and poor RP by the cops?

Yet, somehow it strikes me that cops tazing you the second you issue a threat and are this heavily armed is more realistic and fitting on a serious roleplay server, than a wanted, for THREE MILLION, man driving a vehicle registered to his own name with a weapon so big he can't hide it. Maybe, instead of pointing out a technicallity in my reply, you can reply to the things I actually say about the situation.

You talk about issuing threats to the police while being outnumbered but simply put it's because I can as i had others in the area. If i have others near by I can have confidence that when I issue an order that their numbers won't prove to be a issue. Yes the RP was lacking however they were given the option to live. You keep bringing up “wanting to be caught” i'm yet to see any proof of this other than a gun being out me simply stopping to tell them to leave me alone and that I don't want any problems is a way of dealing with it before backup arrives and if they choose to follow me they are aware of what will happen. I'm afraid to say but you're basically saying don’t be a rebel and just sit down to the police when confronted if you have no getaway. As stated earlier RP was out the question as they spotted the Mk 1 on the passenger so we took the easy route out and requested them not to follow.

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You have some good points. Yes, it is a difficult area. As a bystander, someone who doesn't play in big groups, the behaviour shown doesn't make any sense to me. Why drive around knowing you'll be ANPR'd and pulled over? But, given your explanation, I guess your character is such a stone cold criminal you don't care. It just worries me that without even asking anything else, you instantly issue a threat to the cops. It just comes across as if you want a reason to shoot them. And I still feel the instant shooting after your crash was uncalled for, your position on them, them being in the car, was good enough to tell them to F*ck off first before taking them out.

One warning, in my opinion isn't exactly class roleplay, especially when it comes to killing someone it is important to make it very clear that you are threathening their lives and it is always better to warn them a couple of times again before taking lethal action, especially if you are in a position of advantage.

I will keep a close eye out on behaviour like this, as it is on the verge of being classed as failRP or RDM due to minimal/below minimal initiation. So up your game and come up with some more original threats.. and issue them over and over again if you must before indiscriminately starting to kill the opposing side.

Report rejected, consider this a warning for the quality of the RP shown

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