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Report a Player - SGT Steve [6703] - VDM

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Your In-game name

suh dude

Name of the player(s) you are reporting

SGT Steve [6703]

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

I was driving to our gangbase in my van as we had 24 money bags in the van so, when I was driving there this car next to me SGT Steve tried to take the risk and overtake me with minimal space and risked of me being desync rammed...

I spoke to him about the incident and he told me he had enough space between us, but on the video you can see clearly that there wasnt enough space

As you can see on his video at minute 6:41 he can see and decide for himself that the gap between the stone walls and the van is getting closer and closer so it is a kinda of a risk if he is gonna take it cuz if he does he needs to go away from me imidiatelly when he overtakes me, he tried to do it but incase of going left after passing me he went right so in to my vehicle so yeah...

POV OF Kennedy : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzyejLjtYIk&feature=youtu.be
This is POV of SGT Steve : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oe8C0rs9o2s&t=400

im posting this on behalf of Kennedy

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


As you can see from my video i overtook the van with at least a vehicle width space between us, had that space been any smaller i would not have attempted the overtake. What bugs me is that we did have a little chat in liaison after the incident it was not a deliberate act on my part and nothing was mentioned about a report. I told you i would put up my video and we could have talked about this further if you wished instead i find this report has been put up today. Just to be clear i will not be replying to this anymore when i have made a mistake in the past i have always had the attitude of and say "my fault" not in this case.

Well, Sadly we dont have a picture of how much distance you had between me and you when u passed me, but if I would use my imagination then I think there wasnt enough, because if you overtake someone there is always desync and if you had enough space as you said then the desync wouldnt hit me.. And Im sure you are around playing arma for a long time so you should know about desync...


 Look know second picture I even moved the your car a bit away to give you more possibility if I was really much in accurate with the first one (Im not saying its really really accurate but you know what I mean) and the 1 car between still wasnt enough


So you think the space where your car is and mine was enough, I dont think so

This was just a picture how I see it in my mind without his evidence of being a car inbetween, so this is just to show how it would kinda look like I think if he would have evidence...

If you listen till 06:50 you even here other people saying (I think Long Beard not sure) that you didnt have enough space, cuz when u said that you were ''Miles away'' he said not on my screen. That clearly means you didnt have enough space

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*Sorry for my bad editting, Hope u guys understand*

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Been there, done that..  It's called latency mate. What you see on your screen is often very different to what the other person sees on their screen, and Steve's video shows it.   On my screen, It was a case of" holy shit mate" (squeaky bum time and eyes tightly closed) ... but when I watched Steve's POV, I could see it wasn't deliberate and I was happy with that.  i.e. he wasn't 2.1  "Using his vehicle as a weapon". It wasn't deliberate.

Why you've put up this report up after seeing Steve's video is beyond me. You can clearly see in his vid the he clears your van before pulling in. You can only react to what's happening on your screen, and whilst you should 'try to' exercise caution when getting close to other vehicles, arma happens!  If on his video he deliberately pulled into you, then it would be another matter. But he didn't.

I would think, and hope, experienced ARMA players such as yourselves who've probably encountered similar situations where you've been on the receiving end of a VDM complaint,  would know that this is sometimes how it goes with an internet based game.

DISCLAIMER : Said as the player involved, not as the staff member dealing with this report.

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Been there, done that..  It's called latency mate. What you see on your screen is often very different to what the other person sees on their screen, and Steve's video shows it.   On my screen, It was a case of" holy shit mate" (squeaky bum time and eyes tightly closed) ... but when I watched Steve's POV, I could see it wasn't deliberate and I was happy with that.  i.e. he wasn't 2.1  "Using his vehicle as a weapon". It wasn't deliberate.

Why you've put up this report up after seeing Steve's video is beyond me. You can clearly see in his vid the he clears your van before pulling in. You can only react to what's happening on your screen, and whilst you should 'try to' exercise caution when getting close to other vehicles, arma happens!  If on his video he deliberately pulled into you, then it would be another matter. But he didn't.

I would think, and hope, experienced ARMA players such as yourselves who've probably encountered similar situations where you've been on the receiving end of a VDM complaint,  would know that this is sometimes how it goes with an internet based game.

DISCLAIMER : Said as the player involved, not as the staff member dealing with this report.
The thing what he did is called desync ram, you dont ram the car you come close to it, so desync rams it and thats it. so it looks like you are safe but the guy you are overtaking is not and then he crashes and thats it so technically vdm still. And he is saying enough space but then the desync wouldnt hit me so I wouldnt die, but I died so that means no space and his desync hit me. Its basically desync ram if that is not a rulebreak, then I can just go around desync ram cops and not look back and when they report me, Ill just say we had enough space without me showing how much space we had lol. He has no evidence to protect him self with he is just talking but aint showing anything so how can we be sure he had enough space as he said?

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 If Steve was in the cop car that is recording the video and he desync rammed the other cop car (which im in for example) and if I would ask comp he couldve just lie and say we had enough space and doesnt have proof aswell as in the video so it would be the same situation, but probably on (my car other cop car) screen it hit me...

 Im not saying Steve is lying, but in this case there was no way of ''enough space'' its just clear desync ram....

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The 2 videos you put up look how close they are to the other vehicles they are almost touching each other now look at my video.   

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like i said in the at the start from my perspective there was enough room for a safe overtake i will now leave this to a staff decision.

25 minutes ago, Sgt Steve said:

The 2 videos you put up look how close they are to the other vehicles they are almost touching each other now look at my video.   

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You are saying there was enough room for a safe overtake. 1. If it was safe I wouldnt die so dont call it safe 2. How you gonna say enough room while u dont even look back how much room you had when overtaking me lol. Words dont proof anything so either show proof of you looking back when u overtake me or dont say “enough room” anymore.

Ill leave this to staffs decision

Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed

Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions

Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!


Alright let's start with the video from Steve's perspective, just before the incident the van went off the road and was to the right, Steve stayed on the road. 

At 6m21s we see the van then come back onto the road, at this point Steve was already side by side with the van, he then hits the fence which knocks his vehicle slightly to the left, but enough to end up infront of the van and cause a Dysync Ram. 
Now if that fence was not there I doubt this would have turned into a VDM as Steve would have probably missed the van.

At 6m46s you hear steve say "Shit" and then "I was miles away from him" which he was quite far away to the left but as he hit the fence it knocked him to the right. 

Now in normal Dysync situations as you have shown evidence to the driver normally drives infront of the moving vehicle barely missing the vehicle on his screen but on the other clients screen he smashes into him, which in this case I feel this would not have happened if that fence didn't knock him over into you. 

there was enough room for a safe overtake
When going for the overtake make sure there are no objects in the way, although fences are hard to see until they are close up, be sure to double check your surroundings before moving in for the overtake. 

You hear through Steve's teamspeak that his plan was to beat you to the gang base, so I feel there was no intention to actually VDM.

As I can see this was an accident I will not be taking any further action to this report. 

In future @Sgt Steve Be more careful and check your surroundings. 

No further action taken - Report Denied
Thank you for your report, Unfortunately, it has been declined

The staff member will advise shortly why on this occasion they have declined to take action against the reported player.

Please do not let this put you off making further reports in the future, We rely on our player base to help keep our community clean.


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