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Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Andrew Lecter
Reported Players: Session ID 70
Date: Mar 24, 2025
Time: 15:30
What best describes this incident: (G1.1) Random Vehicle Death Match (RVDM) // (G1.5) Powergaming
Please (in detail) describe the incident: Myself and several other grove members were selling at the vineyard selling spot, when several police units abruptly arrived at the location.
I was personally target, as i was in a convenient spot for the police to attempt a box maneuver.
Displayed in my provided video, an officer with the session ID 70 initially made contact with me, giving verbal demands for me to disembark from my vehicle. At timestamp 03:06, first verbal contact was made, and at timestamp 03:08 i was mid air after getting rammed by the police vehicle operated by ID 70. At timestamp 03:15 i had a gun aimed at my person, as i was just getting back on my feet.
After the situation ended, myself and the player reported discussed the situation in a RPUK liason channel. The conversation was respectfull and both parties shared their pov off the situation. I was informed that ID 70 did not intend to ram me off my vehicle, but was infact attempting to box me in with the help off his associates vehicles. It quickly became obvious we had different opinions on the quality off the roleplay that had happened. In an attempt to explain my opinion i was quoting the two rules mentioned above, when ID 70 left the liason channel mid-way through my sentance.
Although i have understanding for the police tactics used in the situation, i dont believe the way this was handeled was in any way fair for myself.
The rules state, and i quote " Forcing a scenario where no matter the roleplay of the other party you will win "
The rules also state, and i quote " Attacking another player without engaging in any form of quality roleplay is considered RDM. "
I was infact attacked, 2 secounds after roleplay had been initiated by the other party and given absolutely no chance to impact the outcome off the situation. Regardless if the " RVDM " was an accident or not, the police exploited that fact to surround me and remove all other avenues off roleplay.
I personally believe this is a typical case off police win-mentality, where at any cost they will operate in grey areas and use every situation to their advantage to secure the win on their end. I will further add that ID 70 mentioned in the liason channel, about a situation occuring earlier the same day where grove and police had a lethal confrontation. I was given the impression this was one off the motivating factors to how aggressive the police initiated this situation. I can not help but feel like certain officers were motivated by vengeance, and willing to go to any length to secure a win for themselves.
Looking back at the situation, i wish that i was allowed to get back onto my vehicle after the un-intentional RVDM. The roleplay situation could have evolved in many different ways, had i been allowed to contribute in the situation unfolding. Sadly ID 70 made the choice for me, and abused the fact i was RVDM'd to surround me.
I do not feel like high quality roleplay was at all the main priority in this scenario.
Link(s) To Any Evidence: