
Your In-game name
Name of the player(s) you are reporting
Date of the incident
Time of the incident (GMT)
What best describes this incident ?
Poor/Low Quality RP
Which server did the incident take place on
Server 1
Please (in detail) describe the incident
So this guy (Sam) was processing marijuana (I was there before he came to the processor) I saw the other guy Max Oryan so I told him lets pick lock Sam's truck and go sell the drugs so we did it (me and max) Max was following me till I reach the drug dealer, we took the hemet to the drug dealer in kavala, once there I noticed two guys on the hill in front of the drug dealer so I told max to protect and help me with the selling the surprise that we found Sam waiting for us inside the buliding, after that he killed me in 2 seconds after saying "hands up now"
he broke many rules:
1- he abort and and joined the server again to re spawn in Kavala to save his HEMET and his time as he said that he did this because It took him a lot of time gathering and processing and blaming me for stealing his HEMET
photo of SIDE chat:

another photo : http://imgur.com/hCHrZ7e
2- lets say nothing happened and Im just a hobbo doing drugs and I went to sell the drugs he supposed not to see my name and act like he dont know me , but he didnt. he didnt do any RP he just said hands up now and then shooted me!
Clear photo of him inside the process area: https://imgur.com/HVec2sw
Clear photo of him inside the selling area: https://imgur.com/O8ldWaS
Fast video, me going towards Kavala: https://youtu.be/aPIIUd6UGqoLink to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)
This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!
You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting
This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)
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