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Report a player - Roman Phoenix (Didn't know name of the guy who passed the gun but ID was 750) - GTA RP

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Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Ollie Wollie
Reported Players: Roman Phoenix (Didn't know name of the guy who passed the gun but ID was 750)
Date: Jan 27, 2025
Time: 23:20
What best describes this incident: C1.7 (Common Sense) , C2.2 (Exploiting)
Please (in detail) describe the incident: After a few of my misfits pals were arrested, i decided to go and rob some shops in order to get the polices attention. While at one of the shops, a few members of the Cursed MC pull up to the shop and we get talking. one thing leads to another and we get talking, and they tell me they are planning on breaking out their friend from prison. So they invite me to tag along as i had friends in there as well. At the prison, they have a visitation. In the clip you can see ID 750 pass a gun off to his friend (Roman) behind solid glass. I would just like to add this gun was used very shortly after to attempt to shoot G6 officers. If i had known at the time that the plan was to exploit i would not have involved myself to begin with.
Link(s) To Any Evidence: Clip of the gun hand-over https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/jzQiWBdLpOsaLIZ0S?invite=cr-MSxZRVgsMjI4NTEzMDk3LA
Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Ollie Wollie
Reported Players: Roman Phoenix (Didn't know name of the guy who passed the gun but ID was 750)
Date: Jan 27, 2025
Time: 23:20
What best describes this incident: C1.7 (Common Sense) , C2.2 (Exploiting)
Please (in detail) describe the incident: After a few of my misfits pals were arrested, i decided to go and rob some shops in order to get the polices attention. While at one of the shops, a few members of the Cursed MC pull up to the shop and we get talking. one thing leads to another and we get talking, and they tell me they are planning on breaking out their friend from prison. So they invite me to tag along as i had friends in there as well. At the prison, they have a visitation. In the clip you can see ID 750 pass a gun off to his friend (Roman) behind solid glass. I would just like to add this gun was used very shortly after to attempt to shoot G6 officers. If i had known at the time that the plan was to exploit i would not have involved myself to begin with.
Link(s) To Any Evidence: Clip of the gun hand-over https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/jzQiWBdLpOsaLIZ0S?invite=cr-MSxZRVgsMjI4NTEzMDk3LA
This was dealt with by the party(s) effected and we was educated on the matter at hand and made to understand where and how we went wrong about the situation, It was very quick, irrational decision making as I as the "planner" of the breakout made, Roman had nothing to do with this as he had no prior knowledge and also didn't expect it to go the way it played out, I expected us to be patted down by the G6 officer before entry then giving us a window of opportunity as you know Ollie, This did not happen, so I thought on my feet, which in this instance was completely wrong, and after the G6 officer at hand and others on scene from the other side, and I believe a member of staff, kindly took the time to educate and inform us on how we could of done better and what rules we did break, clearly this is my first rodeo , which they were completely sympathetic towards, and they also realised that Roman had no part to play other than being the receiver of the weapon, I was the one who broke the rule at hand, the party(s) effected didn't feel the need to write a report (their words) and stated that there was very high quality RP after the fact despite there being a rulebreak, and they could clearly see it was a genuine accident and took the opportunity to educate us and allow us to keep providing engaging RP to the city.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, Kind Regards, Barry.
Couple of things I don’t really see right about the reply. Yes I know how a prison break goes down, but you say lots of high quality roleplay went in to this. There was no attempt to even roleplay there being let’s say, a hole in the wall, breaking the glass or anything like that. All you said was “what’s your pockets”. And passed him the gun. And saying that Roman played no part in this when, in reality, between the two of you, you should’ve known that passing a gun through solid glass isn’t really something allowed. Saying Roman played no part in this isn’t exactly fair when he was fully prepared to use the weapon in order to benefit himself (which he did).
Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Ollie Wollie
Reported Players: Roman Phoenix (Didn't know name of the guy who passed the gun but ID was 750)
Date: Jan 27, 2025
Time: 23:20
What best describes this incident: C1.7 (Common Sense) , C2.2 (Exploiting)
Please (in detail) describe the incident: After a few of my misfits pals were arrested, i decided to go and rob some shops in order to get the polices attention. While at one of the shops, a few members of the Cursed MC pull up to the shop and we get talking. one thing leads to another and we get talking, and they tell me they are planning on breaking out their friend from prison. So they invite me to tag along as i had friends in there as well. At the prison, they have a visitation. In the clip you can see ID 750 pass a gun off to his friend (Roman) behind solid glass. I would just like to add this gun was used very shortly after to attempt to shoot G6 officers. If i had known at the time that the plan was to exploit i would not have involved myself to begin with.
Link(s) To Any Evidence: Clip of the gun hand-over
At the end of the day I made a mistake and own up to it as I did in QE to staff, And let's not get things confused here, you didn't say more than 4 words in our whole interaction with you even when we all tried to attempt to roleplay, but that's neither here nor there as it was late, Also AFTER the gun was handed over, you text your friend saying "Stay Awake" , "Shits about to go down" , Knowing we had gone about this badly, we aren't all perfect 24/7, I won't keep going round in circles to defend my actions and or Romans, we make a mistake, we owned it, and we have been educated so this won't happen again, when I first flew into the city we was told there was a hole in the wall at the prison , Staff in QE have also heard that people have been saying this but now we know it's completely untrue, this situation was cleared up last night with the effected parties so I don't see a need to carry on dragging this on when we have already been spoken to and educated on the matter and what went wrong, Thanks.

Kind Regards Barry.
Hello guys, first off id like to say that I'm a bit shocked that I've woken up to this. last night we spoke about this situation with the G6 officers in a QE and I believe one of them was a staff member, we explained that as long as we been in city we thought the hole in the wall was a thing we could do in RP, it was explained to us that although they have herd a few people say that as well its actually not a thing, the G6 officers said that they carried on with the RP because the RP was great and we agreed going forward to make it known in the city that there is no hole in the wall. I myself didn't no that I was about to be smuggled a gun on the visit but when in the moment I went with the story in hand, The QE conversation in my eyes went really well we had quiet a laugh and with all due respect Olli you came in at the end of the conversation and missed a lot so I can see why you have put a ticket in to cover yourself but like I said we had spoken to the G6/ staff in the QE and they said they wasn't gonna put in a ticket over it in fact I left the chat feeling quiet happy and positive and have learned something quiet important, so like I said at the start I'm a bit shocked about this but that's my side of things.

thanks for your time
Roman Phoenix
There was no attempt to even LOOK for the hole in the wall that you had been told about. When you didn’t find one, why did you still pass it through the glass? I’m aware everyone makes a mistake but after realising there’s no hole it shouldn’t have been passed and if it was, Roman should have passed it back and said no in looc not then used it in prison. This to me is clear cut exploit, that put you as a group at an advantage. And to answer about the text messages (although it has no meaning to the rule break) I was texting her as she already knew about the prison break and i was letting her know it was about to happen. I'm not too sure how a Liason can change the outcome of you having already exploited. I won't be replying anymore and will leave this to staff to deal with.
I'm not gonna lie I cant understand why your making such a big thing out of this after we already talked and sorted this with a staff member and the G6 who was involved in this situation and it was finished as far as i new.. Yes we messed up but it was a innocent mistake, like I said before as long as I've been in city I've thought that you could RP a hole in the visits wall, I've been under this impression for well over a year since way back when i first joined even the G6 said they have heard people say this before, I also said that I wasn't aware I was being passed the gun but because in my head with the hole in the wall thing I just went with the RP. you seem to be the only person with a huge issue and didn't want to let it go even though everyone else agreed it was a innocent mistake, I am sorry if in some way its affected you, I'm trying to figure out if its because you joined the QE right at the end and missed out on the conversation between us but it was agreed going forward we would learn from it and make it known that you cant RP smuggling through the wall, there is not much else I can say about this except it was a innocent mistake due to bad info and it will not happen again.
Hey @OllieWollie thank you for taking the time to report this incident.

After reviewing the evidence presented within this report I would say that it is a violation of C2.2 with no attempt to provide any roleplay to these actions to even 'sugar coat' the rule break which has occurred from both @Barry Skinfade passing the weapon through the wall and then @Roman Phoenix also taking advantage of that and using it to then hold up a Gruppe6 officer inside of the prison for an attempted escape.

(C2.2) Exploiting
Using or attempting to use any exploits in any of our community game servers such as but not limited to duplication of items or money, transferring/processing items through walls and windows or bypassing intended animations. Punishment is a permanent ban without appeal. If you discover an exploit that nobody else knows about, please reveal it to a staff member privately in order to ensure that it does not get abused in the future.

Something which has been mentioned that I want to also clear up that you mentioned that a staff member was present in the liaison, They are not there to deal with a rule break in that situation they are to observe the conduct of players involved to ensure the Liason is constructive but as the member of staff hadn't witnessed what occured they only have the word of both sides to go upon and as such @Barry Skinfade you had stated that "Everyone says the way to smuggle into prison is to rp a hole in the wall" which is where the staff made it clear that passing items through the walls under Exploiting

Report Approved:
CharID: 113193
Action: Permanent Ban
Rule(s)broken: C2.2

CharID: 112795
Action: Permanent Ban
Rule(s)broken: C2.2

Thank you for doing your part in keeping the community clean.
Your report has been approved and action has been taken against the reported player.
If you are out of pocket due to this case please open a compensation request here, Do make sure to mention this report.
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