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Report a Player - Roger Moore - Poor/Low Quality RP (action taken)

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SGT Ronin

Your In-game name

Vladistar Katuyka

Name of the player(s) you are reporting

Roger Moore

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?

Poor/Low Quality RP

Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

i was driving to gun store to buy a gun when i saw a off-road parked by the gun store which is never a good sign, then as i was driving past i saw a man with a rook run out and i started speeding up then as i got further down the road he opened fire a couple times. i'm not gonna sugar coat anything because i did turn around and run him over twice, in the heat of the moment. there is no excuse for that and i understand. then after a while i saw him running away in which i thought the area was clear. i jumped out and bought a pistol and went to ATM to deposit rest of my money. after that i went around the area to make sure it was actually 100% clear and so i could ask the guy shooting at me earlier why he was doing that and to pass him a note. i saw him running out of one of the shops with his pistol, at which point i stopped my car to see what he would do and to see if he would actually try to shoot me again and he did. further more when he was excuting me all he said was "that what you get for running me over" and i did pass him a few notes telling him what i thought about the situation and i wanted some clarity so i called him into teamspeak several times, in which he refused to reply to or join teamspeak. all he said at one point was "i have my video and i'll link it to the thread". i finally wanna add playing as long as i have on this server i should have known better for running over and i do apologise for that.

Kind Regards,

PS. Video starts at 6:00

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


Last edited by a moderator:
Player Roger Moore does not appear to have a forum account so cannot defend their actions - however it does not appear that they gave you high quality roleplay before shooting at you. They will have to explain their actions in an unban appeal

Player: Roger Moore     -   Ban issued

76561198075302747     Steam ID

f7d1e65915d0db82c0fb7b956995a74c      BattlEye GUID

Unfortunately for you, we have to act on the video evidence we see and act accordingly. Since this video shows, as you admit, you running the player over twice, I will be forced to issue you with a ban; this behavior is totally unacceptable and regardless of if you are the one doing the reporting, we still have to assess the evidence.

If you were the one being reported for it, then that would be the same course of action, there is no leniency because you are putting up the report.

Player: Vladistar Katuyka     -   Ban issued

76561198089460129       Steam ID

b3bdb9f13e88e9af160f156b6f9b1147            BattlEye GUID

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