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Report a Player - Reece smurf - Other

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Your In-game name


Name of the player(s) you are reporting

Reece smurf

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 2

Please (in detail) describe the incident

I was in Kavala with some friends talking to a guy who wanted to know if the gang we started we taking on any new members so we was asking him a few simple questions when Reece Smurf came along going on about cars I replied do I look like I need an Suv and we started having an exchange of words. I said to Reece Smurf after a few back and fore words it take a bigger man to walk away to which he replied pardon my language but he said "SEE YOU LATER FAGGOT". Now this is the first time I have had to make a report because I dont hold grudges but the word he said is not allowed because I have read the rule and homophobic language is totally unacceptable...

Thanks for reading

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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@Crumbleto sort.

However, he realises the slip of the tongue and immediately says sorry.

WOW I never thought I seem something so silly! Yes I said a bad word by mistake but I immediately apologised for it I never say the word and I don't know why I said it! But the fact your reporting this has really annoyed me! you didn't ask to resolve this either, also any chance of a longer video as after I apologise you say "this is going on the government website" to which I left and brought my new Jurassic park suv you then approach me saying that I could make this go away by paying you a sum of money! So Mcshev please post the rest of the video.

Dude I told you last night I was reporting it on the government website I know your saying it was a slip of the tounge but whats to stop you having another slip of the tounge. I also have gay friends and thats why I took so much offence to what you said because people shouldn't put labels on other people. Its not right and I find it disgracefull

Thanks again for taking time to read this


I never use this word I don't know why I did I went to say something but this word popped out hence the immediate apology I'd understand this report if I said it then walked off but I didn't. I will let the admins finish this I've defended myself, I know I did wrong sometimes accidents happen! But i'm curious do you not have a longer video?

"my friends are gay, so I was offended"....

I know a scottish guy, maybe I should get offended everytime someone asks if he's irish.

You immediately hear him say sorry after this. It is evident in the video that he instantly realised his mistake...

You've also admitted "threats to report" on the server.

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting

This is blatantly a lie which you've essentially agreed to above.

@Reece Smurf Any more slips like this and it's over.

@McShevThreats to report have been banned in the past. Lying on a report has resulted in bans in the past.

Just because "you know gay people" doesn't mean you can play the ban game, and also don't understand how this entitles you to "comp".

Also.... for Where I live, this is a faggot.




  1. 1.

    a ball or roll of seasoned chopped liver, baked or fried.

  2. 2.

    a bundle of sticks bound together as fuel.

as requested above, more video or you'll be banned for blackmail and lying on a report.

No I dont have a longer recording thats all that the shadow play recorded sorry for ant inconvienience and I never tried to resolve it on ts due to the seriousness of the matter at hand.

Thanks again for your time


Am only sticking up for myself after I was verbally abused and I now feel I am under the spotlight here after I had to suffer a verbal assualt.



And I know what a faggot is but we all know he meant the latter and not what the dictionery says a faggot is.




To me its an accident, and he immediately says sorry. He tried to resolve it, but you immediately jumped to the report conclusion, if you both sat down in teamspeak I'm sure he would have apologized more and admitted his mistake. There's a difference between someone saying it multiple times for the purpose to be a troll, or saying it in OOC chat, than a mistake where they apologize for it. Such as some player who come on who say "WAZZUP MY N***GAS" which usually prompts them to apologize once someone says something to them.

As far as being verbally assaulted, he said it once, and apologized. I don't see that as a "Verbal Assault"

As far as the allegations of blackmail, I'm going to warn you that any attempt to "Blackmail" someone is grounds for a permanent community ban.

@Reece Smurfdo not let it happen again, you are offically warned. 

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