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Report a Player - Pvt. Kral Smurf [UNMC] & Rcr. Seth Bauer [UNMC] - RDM

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Your In-game name


Name of the player(s) you are reporting

Pvt. Kral Smurf [UNMC] & Rcr. Seth Bauer [UNMC]

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

Okay, So we were taking a few trucks to the HM Treasury to do a bank op but then realizing there were less than 10 cops on we decided to scrap the idea and do something else however the UNMC turned up and wanted to "identify the owner of the trucks" by getting the cops to check the registration then let us go, we obviously didn't want to do this to happen as we were all wanted and it would of only gone south if the cops were to get involved especially if the UNMC are cooperating with the police like they are at this point in time. 2 factions against 1? I'd rather not.

So whilst Qetz (MLGAlbin) was trying to negotiate for the release of our trucks we were trying to think of a plan, we decided to knock out one of the members and pretend we were going to take them hostage (It never got to this point) this would of meant that the UNMC would of had to initiate on us to get the hostage back and we could of fought for our trucks.

However as soon as Qetz knocked him out he was instantly shot by Pvt. Kral Smurf even though he was in talking range and could easily have initiated properly especially since they're in a whitelisted faction and should be setting the best examples of rebel life on the server. This is shown in the first bit of the clip.

Moving on to the report against Rcr. Seth Bauer, the sped up bit of the clip is to prove that I never exited my vehicle and wasn't a threat to any of them, they also had multiple chances to warn me or tell me to leave although chose not to for whatever reason. I then pulled up later on in the situation and was looking towards the ifrit when I was shot dead out of my car. In my opinion and many other people I have spoken to agree that it was RDM. To put it short, if you don't know 100% that somebody is involved in the situation or isn't a current threat, then don't shoot them.

May I add, we all attempted to resolve the situation in TS with the Generals of the UNMC and a few people that were involved but we were only going to disagree on the situation over and over again, so unfortunately it's come to this.

Thank you.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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As the general on scene at the time i am requesting a longer video as this incident started at least 10 minutes before the video starts, where our guys was told "what would happen if i knock you out and restrain you , the reply was you are surrounded by 14 men what do you think will happen. the rebel involved still after being informed he was surrounded by 14 armed men proceeded to knock out sgt finchy which resulted in his death 

the sports hatchback involved in the situation was being constantly monitored by our hellcat and a fully armed rebel had been seen inside it driving in and out of the people on the ground for 10 minutes . killa j was taking heavy shots from the direction of the sports hatchback and was severly wounded , he took out what he believed to be a threat to his life as this hatchback had been on the seen since the situation had started. 

We did try to resolve it on teamspeak and when i asked why the rebel knocked our guy out when he was infromed he was surrounded by superior numbers, i was told by de frag himself and i quote " we were hoping one of your guys would break cover knock him out and zip tie him which would mean you have started the initiation so we could then open fire on you all" 

i feel that this constant driving around a gunfight in a hatchback and de camping behind enemies to kill them is getting stupid because the moment they are killed for being  a percieved threat they then call out rdm. why would a fully armed rebel be driving in and out of a gunfight if he wasnt involved in the situation 

Longer video will be required if this was an ongoing RP situation.

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First of all, I understand you're a general of the UNMC, doesn't mean you can override forum rules. You weren't a part of the situation and people have been punished for this, so be careful.

Anyway, Shadowplay only records my last 5 minutes of gameplay and that's what I have uploaded,  I've included the parts that I'm reporting the guys for as I think it's all that is neccesary.  I may have another clip but all it includes is me sitting in my hatchback sport, I was not in range of the RP going on at the trucks. Also, the clip linked on the report starts about 2-3 minutes after the beginning of the situation, definitely not 10.

I would say the situation started properly from that point forward.

i felt i had the right to reply seeing as though i was the one issuing orders on the ground and i was the the one trying to resolve it on teamspeak , and i dont think im the one who really needs to be carefull do you ?

all were asking for is a longer recording so we can show the start of the initiation which will clearly clear my guys of any wrong doing, thanks for your co-operation

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I have 2 more minutes before that video, uploading now. That's all I have.

Quick question, why do I need that? If I'm reporting them for RDM and have included both kills and the initiation, what's the problem?


1. From what I can tell from your video there was roleplay and a UNMC member got knocked out, and therefore another UNMC shot him which started a firefight. 

2. A reasonable and prudent person would drive away, or at least take cover if they weren't in a car. There were other shots/people killed in the area. At that point while you're driving around, you are in a active firefight, and your video is fast forwarded. Anyone could have said go away, leave the area, etc... UNMC is claiming that a red hatchback was followed with a hellcat, and thermal cameras do not lie. Plus the fact that you had a chance to drive away, you drove back into an active gunfight, based on the limited evidence that's been provided.

edit: After speaking with multiple parties and someone believing I should have recused myself from this report, I bought in @ArrogantBread
To overlook this report, the consensus was with him this was not RDM, however the roleplay was poor from the UNMC side. He believes this needs to be addressed with UNMC command about the roleplay quality as it is a whitelisted faction. However he believes the evidence was poor and doesn't wish to take action as well.

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