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Report a Player - Poe Dameron - Other

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United Kingdom

Your In-game name

DR. Stuart [MTO]

Name of the player(s) you are reporting

Poe Dameron

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

Whilst on patrol i say 'Poe Dameron' go down and needed assistance, Right away i saw he crashed his own game to save all his gear. He did go down around the iron processor area so we was close and was turning around to get him as he went down. I looked on Teamspeak and waited until server restart to see if he would log back in to explain why he did combat log, as we was so close to him to start with. He didn't log on nor was he on Teamspeak so i was unable to contact him to try and resolve the issue and to explain the rules to him.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


"You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting"


I have not been contacted at all, not on teamspeak nor in-game. You had time while writing this post to contact me since i was both on teamspeak and in-game before and during this post.

I have a few timestamps for reference:

Online on teamspeak - https://gyazo.com/3f18e8b0f43483c19a5a941137cd476b

Time report got posted - https://gyazo.com/960497de042afc4521e383958760d942

I use something called shadowplay to record gameplay and have it as a backup for situations just like these to use as my defense if something in-game happens. Geforce has had a software update which is called Geforce 3.0 which is the program that houses shadowplay. During my drive to Neochori i was doing this update as i would think it wouldn't affect my graphics card since it's just a software download/update. I was driving around as my screens go black (which is most likely when i crash and die in-game), then my game shuts down and my software download/update completes. According to geforce it has to shutdown any programs that are connected to it for it to update fully. I didn't know this, so after that i didn't bother to jump in-game again and went off for a few hours. I was in-game for about an hour before midnight's restart and didn't get any messages at all. This was prior to this report was posted. 

I don't have much more to add but i will reply further if needed. 

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"You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting"


I have not been contacted at all, not on teamspeak nor in-game. You had time while writing this post to contact me since i was both on teamspeak and in-game before and during this post.

I have a few timestamps for reference:

Online on teamspeak - https://gyazo.com/3f18e8b0f43483c19a5a941137cd476b

Time report got posted - https://gyazo.com/960497de042afc4521e383958760d942

I use something called shadowplay to record gameplay and have it as a backup for situations just like these to use as my defense if something in-game happens. Geforce has had a software update which is called Geforce 3.0 which is the program that houses shadowplay. During my drive to Neochori i was doing this update as i would think it wouldn't affect my graphics card since it's just a software download/update. I was driving around as my screens go black (which is most likely when i crash and die in-game), then my game shuts down and my software download/update completes. According to geforce it has to shutdown any programs that are connected to it for it to update fully. I didn't know this, so after that i didn't bother to jump in-game again and went off for a few hours. I was in-game for about an hour before midnight's restart and didn't get any messages at all. This was prior to this report was posted. 

I don't have much more to add but i will reply further if needed. 
Hello, I saw this happen like i put about 22:05 GMT in my report. I waited until the midnight restart to try and contact yourself in TS and in Game. After you left you never reconnected. I didn't look at TeamSpeak at 2am as i was in bed by then. From my point as soon as you died you left the game. I will leave this upto staff to decide.

What i posted this i was leaving it to staff to decide as you did not return back to the server after 'combat logging'. When your 'Geoforce' updated and crashed your game. I would rather wait for staff to decide the outcome as like i said i did wait over 2 hours until the midnight restart for you to come back onto the game and i was checking TS up until the restart. 

I had a talk with poe earlier on around the time he crashed ect. but he could not find you so maybe, but i had a talk with him on it and it seems it may be an actual crash of the game, he did come strait to me about it as he could not find stuart to let me know what happend.

I had a talk with poe earlier on around the time he crashed ect. but he could not find you so maybe, but i had a talk with him on it and it seems it may be an actual crash of the game, he did come strait to me about it as he could not find stuart to let me know what happend.
Ah gotcha, I would of talked to him like i said but i waited 2 hours since it happened and didn't see him then went to bed myself. You can reject this report as i was only going to inform him of the rules and how it looked from my point. Thanks for responding also Gregory!

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