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Report a Player - Pepito - RDM

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Active member

Your In-game name


Name of the player(s) you are reporting


Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

We were going to the iron processor when we saw someone to be stolen. We decided then to try to help.
I got out of the car and i was running back from the wall to start the RP when the pepito appears and it kills me without saying anything.
He never told us nothing, just shot us without any RP....
I call him to ts but i got some problem to enter in the ts because of the security lvl, so i told him to wait 5 m...he told us that he wants to talk with us....but after i go in the ts i told him to come in and he just disconnect from the server.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


This was an active gun fight as my friend and I had previously engaged on two other players within the copper trader very shortly beforehand. These two players approached us with guns out.

Again, you were came into an active gunfight with your weapon out, we didnt know who you were at the time and seeing as you were coming into an active gunfight with your weapon out, I dont believe this was RDM.

There was not any gunfight.....no shots nothing. If admin needs i can upload more of the video. But as they can see in the video...we came, and there wasnt any gunfight, just 2 guys one of them laying down and another one with hands up. So thats not a gunfight...the only shot that we can hear its your gunshots to me. No words...no active gunfights...nothing...just your shots in my body. Even i didnt shot because i was running to you to start RP.

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Im not entirely sure if you can read but ''5 Minutes'' ... the video shows you coming down the road so you would not have been able to hear or see any gunfire/deaths a few minutes beforehand. Whether or not you knew, you were walking into an ACTIVE gunfight with your weapon out ... Meaning I am not at fault here 

Post the evidences of that fight. Its not only talk about fights...post that evidence. We passed 2 times there and there was not any fight so, if you say that there was a gunfight post that evidence please.

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So i just have to belive that there was a active gunfight because you say so?

NO, i dont belive...we came, there was not any active gunfight otherwise we would stop far way from you and just one of us would go near to initiate the RP. Dont make us dumb, thats a execuse of your RDM.

Please send me a link to 5 minutes prior to when your video starts, including the original video content itself.

I'm just going to jump in and say that you obviously didn't try to work it out as he's defending himself in this thread. You might want to go talk on teamspeak before you report next time.
And who are you??

Admins can check the chat....
I was on TS and the report was posted on next day. 

Admin lock this report please. Player was banned already.

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