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Report a Player - [P] 2Lt. Jack Daniels - RDM (Report Denied/Resolved)

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Your In-game name


Name of the player(s) you are reporting

[P] 2Lt. Jack Daniels

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 2

Please (in detail) describe the incident

So I was in a Sports Hatchback with two of my friends yesterday on the way to the Drug Dealer near Kavala trying to see if we could find someone to rob but unfortunately on the way we crashed and punctured a tyre. While my friend was repairing the vehicle, I took out my binos and scoured the area and found 2 dead guys in front of the church. I then told my friends that we're going to go get ourselves some loot and we drove up the hill. As we were there, we saw a lot of dead people and didn't know whether if we should proceed checking the area and hesitated for a while. But since I haven't heard any gunshots the entire session we were there I've decided to ask my friends to turn back. The moment we were back on the spot we heard someone saying 'I think I hear someone outside the church' and once I stepped out of the vehicle I got shot to death immediately. I was then later told (in Teamspeak) by [P] 2.Lt George Harris that we were in an active gunfight and they had all the right to shoot anyone in sight within 5 minutes of the gunfight). I continued to talk to him but he seemed adamant that we were in the wrong and didn't even apologise to us during the entire time of the incident. I felt that we were treated unfairly and tried to discuss more about it but the reply that I got was to talk to the admins with him (where I have to find one myself). I feel that any further discussion with the admins on Teamspeak would be a waste of my time as the attitude he has portrayed previously makes me think that he would just try to talk his way out of it. Hence I'm bringing it to the Forums to let the admins judge on this matter. Thank you.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


Below is an attached screenshot of the conversation I have had with George Harris today



Firstly let me say I have been communicating with Frodo for over a day now and i think his comment of my attitude is out of order. Yesterday he fails to mention I have a talk with him in a ts room and on chat and was very courteous, even saying I shall be on again today if you should need anything else. Him claiming he was treated unfairly is totally untrue as I listened to every point he had, asked for his video so I could see, and spoke very politely, however that is unfair/having an attitude??

Moving on to the situation. Psychos were having a gunfight with GLA, with Psychos positioned on the Church and in the town, and GLA on the sniping hill. An active gunfight was taken place with an unknown amount of rebels on the sniper hill. Halfway through the gunfight with our guys pinned in the church due to sniper fire and myself in the town, a hatchback came from the sniper hill area and proceeded straight up towards the Church. This was pointed out by several of our members and we kept a watch on it. The hatchback proceeded to park around the back of the church which made us suspicious as anyone inside the church would not be able to see them. As you can see on there video they get out of the vehicle all three of them (2 rebels and guy in blue). At this point, Daniels spots that one of them has a gun out in front (guy in blue, shown here https://gyazo.com/ce89f85644e0a0bc240359e810427216) At this point we were convinced that they were involved as they had a gun out, came from the sniper hill and parked around the back. They then got in the hatchback drove away about 15m and returned at which point Daniels subdued a threat as we believed they had come back after scouting what was up there. 

In reference to what Frodo has written in his report he claims I say ''that we were in an active gunfight and they had all the right to shoot anyone in sight within 5 minutes of the gunfight''. This is not what I said, what I said was, ''You entered an active gunfight, which was still active in the 5 mins that an active gunfight can last for without shots or someone being killed, and if they come within the immediate vicinity IE10m of the church and they are ARMED then we have reasonable suspicion to subdue the threat.''

Frodo also claims that ''once I stepped out of the vehicle I got shot to death immediately'' Obviously this is not true as in the video you can see they get out of the car once whilst we are checking to see if they are a threat, once we saw that one at least had there gun drawn we thought they were involved. We even didn't shoot as you began to drive away as you were becoming a lesser of a threat, however as you turn around and proceed to get out of the car again, then we take it as a serious threat and shoot.

On your video at 3:19 you clearly point out myself, an armed rebel with gun drawn crossing the road. Isn't this not suspicious with people dead at the church and an armed guy still running about?

When you go up to the church you hear a downed guy shout ''Snipers on the hill'' and then you proceeded to shout ''Drive, Drive, Drive'' as if you know that a gunfight is still happening and you want to escape. Yet you still turn around and come back. Slightly suspicious as its like you want to suddenly get involved with a gunfight that is happening.

In terms of timings 0.22 Snow is killed, within 5 mins of yourself getting shot, as well as me proving I shot 2 mins and 2 seconds in TS before you entered the church and whilst you were still on the hill.

I also feel that this is kind of a revenge report as he states that we've had multiple RDM issues with your gang. There is one that was borderline, however we got comp for you and let the medics revive you. It seems as though you haven't got us admitting we are wrong, so you took it to the forums. Like i stated I was perfectly happy to have a chat with him and an admin on ts and i even said this yesterday, however it seemed he did not want too.

Thanks for reading this as i know its long :p

George H

Mate first of all, having multiple issues with your gang does not make this a revenge report. I am only reporting the situation as it is, so please don't try to accuse me of anything in order to get your guys out of the trouble you got yourselves in. As you can see in the video, I've submitted a 5 minute video of us playing in which there were scenarios that you guys weren't involved in, whereas the video that you've sent me only lasted for 2 mins 26 secs (approx.), and did not show any of you guys shooting at/killing us.

I think you also forgot to mention that the first time we got out of the car you guys didn't even notice us as we switched off our engines as we proceeded. The second time we restarted the engine and turned around your people just came out and sprayed at us without even looking. You've been using the argument that we have guns drawn out for the entire situation, but how did you actually see us drawing out guns when you guys were in the church talking, and during the entire video I've never had my guns out?

And btw, we haven't received any offers of comp so far, not even an apology.

We don't have to be shooting at you directly for it to be an active gunfight, we fighting someone else and you came into the situation. Ill post my video soon and on it you can clearly hear us saying that a hatchback is coming to the church and I have learnt that Daniels was on the rocks behind, watching you. This can be shown as when he shoots you he is outside the church so he could see you. Daniels does not have a video, however I feel my video will adequately show that we knew you were at the church. Obviously we apologies that you walked into an active gunfight, however in terms of compensation we do not feel that it was 'RDM', hence no comp has been offered. Where we were shooting was the hill that you were on, the massive one opposite the drug dealer. Our video if we were to show the previous 5/10 mins will show us in a gunfight, which an admin could find in the chat logs as most of us were being killed.

Further more you say you never have any gun out, thats you personally, however as we saw at least one guy with a pistol out and you were together we could assume you were apart of the same gang. When you also get out of the hatchback for the second time your gun does begin to get pulled which could be seen as you pulling your weapon out.

Video -> http://plays.tv/video/5914d057e5282e0ab1/2-48-from-my-last-shot-you-getting-killed-ther-were-still-shots-being-fired-from-church-aswell

00:46 -> Shows me shooting at a heli and the rocks where we believed at least on person was. These weren't the only shots as Night stalker was also firing.

1:47 -> I see you driving down the road, and you also acknowledge me in your video.

2:09 -> Daniels sates he sees a hatchback.

2:16 -> He sees you go around the back of the church.

2:18 -> Acknowledges there are 3 of you.

2:30 -> Then sees  you leave in the hatchback (So has saw you turn up, 3 of you get out, blue guy with a pistol).

2:47 -> You return and get shot as I previously stated we thought you were a credible threat.

From this you can clearly see he sates what he sees in ts, and didn't open fire on you immediately when you arrived and then took off, he only open fired at the point you return.

It doesn't matter what scenarios you were in before however, the fact is you drove up into an active gunfight and at least one of you had a gun out. You then started to drive off but then returned. We thought it was a threat. On your video you can also see we have a guy with his hands up as this I think shows that we were not shooting everyone on sight.

I also have a screenshot of my map just before they turned up, showing that Daniels was on the rocks to the side of the church and fully able to see you turn up. https://gyazo.com/80334275b316603118c3208d70401abf

Thanks and I would welcome anything further you have to add.

(Note to admin-> On the video you hear us say the name of the guys who shot us (the gang) so that we could speak to them in ts later as they rdmed us in the first place that started the gunfight, but this was all solved on ts. Also it looks like there is a screen jump at about 45 seconds, this was due to me tabbing out to see who left our ts channel. :))

George H

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You seem to not get the point why I made this report in the first place. Even if you claim that it's not RDM, you communicated only amongst yourselves in TeamSpeak and shot us without any form of warning. Personally I would not do this and would approach the vehicle and initiate on the person by asking him to step out of the vehicle at least. Shooting at people that you're unsure if he/she was an enemy is extremely low quality roleplay. If combat is all you care about, why even play in this server in the first place?

Yesterday we had a similar situation where you guys were also involved. We got into a gunfight with some guys from Seven Sins and killed all of them. When you came with the choppers we only fired a couple of warning shots and when you landed we went up to you to confirm that you're not one of the SS members, then left the area shortly after. 

I still don't think that your acts are appropriate and would benefit the roleplay community in any way cause I'm really getting tired of the RDM and the excuses people come up with after not admitting to what they have done.


What I don't understand is what you expect us to do whilst in a firefight. For Daniels to get out and approach 3 armed rebels to get them to go away/ speak to them because A. You could have turned and initiated on him. B. The sniper on the hill could easily have shot and killed him and this would not be him valuing his life. Shortly after you video ended, i think 13 seconds we were shot at again by the sniper on the hill, further showing that we were in the middle of a gunfight. The sniper on the hill could easily have shot you as well because you have weapons and in an active gunfight, but it just so happens you were behind the  church so he couldn't see you. Why didn't you say anything when you got out the car like I'm here to help or I'm friendly. You all remain mute through it. Roleplaying is a big part of our gang and many members have been recommended before. On this occasion, you walking into an active gunfight with guns drawn or even on your back is a big risk and could have been avoided on your behalf. Maybe the reason why you can't hear any gunshots is because your earplugs are in and your TS is incredibly loud. Next time maybe you should mute TS and take out your earplugs to listen for shots. The Psychos have been apart of this community a long time and claiming we are not here for roleplay is ridiculous.

I would also point out that the guy who did not have a gun on his back, shown here -> https://gyazo.com/047b749ed2f25d6c7078aad010afe516    Was not shot as he was not a threat and was asked to put his hands up.

Also here, the second time you claim that no guns were pulled, however, shown clearly here the guy in blue re pulls his pistol back out. Now you were stating that none of you did, however this clearly shows otherwise -> https://gyazo.com/13a7b79a8899c08aaaed9cc28c5712d3 and also a screen grab, https://gyazo.com/7f71443acaca2930af78c1b56d49e8bd

In terms of metagaming that I have just listened for, at 4:09 it sounds like you say Psychos.

Also at 4:23 one of them says in direct communication I believe, ''Alright Psychos, are you helping LA'' Now at now point do we tell them our gang name so how did they find this out. If you did metagame when you decided to drive up the hill again and say Psychos, were you going to take some revenge after what happened the other day between our two gangs?

In terms of roleplaying as well, as your driving towards the church someone says ''Lets fuck these bitches up''. To me this tells me you had intentions to do something else/ not wanting to engage in some RP.

You know this happens many times involving police and rebels as well. If police are getting shot at and there is a rebel with a gun out or even on his back, he could still be involved and a threat due to having a firearm on your back, only takes 1-2 seconds to pull it out and shoot, therefore you can get shot for it. If anything, in future I recommend that you take in everything that is happening around you, maybe if your listening for a gun fight mute ts and take out your ear plugs. Also if your going to dead people, just backpack your gun. That way there is no way we know that you are armed and you probably would not have been shot.

This is the last thing I shall be commenting unless an admin asks for anything else as I feel a strong enough case has been put through and this is going around in circles. 


George H

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Hello everyone. As I have been reading this report, I think there is a lot too discuss and I would like to invite everyone that replied / is involved in this situation on teamspeak. Possibly today at any time, just hit me up on teamspeak. Thanks in advance. 

Hello this is Lt. Jack Daniels, I would like to say sorry for my inactivity on this post and also thank you George.

Sadly I will not be able to attend a meeting on TS as I'm currently in the middle of my Exams and won't be on during the week however I will be on at the weekend if that would be alright @Masis 

I would first off like to apolgise for any inconveniences this may cause but I am sure this can be cleared up after a good talk on TS with yourself and the two parties involved. 

Many Thanks 

Lt. Jack Daniels 

Ps: George may be able to speak on TS on my behalf, as previously stated above I have no recording as my recording software wasn't working so I wasn't recording at the time and I am unable to come and speak until the weekend. :/

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After speaking with both parties, we were able to resolve the situation and everything is fine now. Therefore, this report will be rejected. Thanks for everyone showing up so quick and responding to the thread.

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