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Report a Player - OG - skunkiskunk - RDM (Denied)

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Bob Belcher

Active member
Stavanger, Norway
Your In-game name


Name of the player(s) you are reporting

OG - skunkiskunk

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

So me and @sparx robbed a guy at the Iron processor who had a zamak transport truck. We ended up killing him, lockpicking his truck and processing the iron inside of it. I (Babou) processed everything while Sparx was on top of the hill to the north keeping a lookout in a red hatchback sport. He didn't see anything, so i lockpicked the vehicle and drove it closer to the actual processing sign (This is where the video starts).

Then it went 4 minutes and 53 seconds of recording before we heard a shot, and @sparx got killed. We were just processing and having a good time before skuniskunk came up to sparx and shot him straight away. We asked them to come to teamspeak, and they were really rude - telling us we got rekt, and using excessive language etc. Sadly i do not have pictures of this because it was reeeeeeeeally unnecessary to say all the stuff.

After a while skunkiskunk did actually come to teamspeak and with him he had a friend Gza. We were trying to resolve this issue for about 1 hour with a admin called Shalloa. They didn't understand the server rules, and ment they didnt do anything wrong. We asked for compesation of 700k (2x mxc black with supressor, rco, flashlight and 20mags each. Full gear and 60 iron ingots.) which they could not provide and kept talking around it that they didnt do anything wrong.

So the situation ended up as not resolved, since we didn't get anywhere for almost 1 hour. The video provided is 5 minutes long. The only shot you hear in this video is at 4:53 when sparx got killed. The reason why im reporting this as rdm is because they didnt re-initiate after we killed their friend, and it was 4:53s + about 1 minute before the video actually starts. They just came behind sparx and killed him wihtout any re-initiation at all.

I also got killed about 1 minute after the video by Gza, but i do not have video proof of it.

- Babou

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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This does not prove that your friend was RDM'ed as we can't see him in the video. Does your friend have a video from his perspective of the situation which can prove otherwise? 

This does not prove that your friend was RDM'ed as we can't see him in the video. Does your friend have a video from his perspective of the situation which can prove otherwise? 
I am the othe one involved, and i dont have video from my perspective. @F A D E

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