- Location
- Scotland
Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Kylo MacCaig
Reported Players: Occult, specifically the leader of the occult
Date: Feb 8, 2025
Time: 19:40
What best describes this incident: G1.7, G2.4, G5.4, G7.4
Please (in detail) describe the incident: At pillbox there was a situation where while a lot of civilians, G6 and occult members were around someone started attacking what turned out to be the occult. The person stopped attacking them after being challenged by G6, however the occult then pulled out a shotgun and executed the person in the middle of a crowded hospital. I believe that the leader of a gang should have better roleplay than executing someone in the middle of a crowded hospital. Shooting someone in the middle of a lot of G6, civilians and police is not something that someone who values their life would do. I think that they were acting entirely ego driven and that they did not act in line with their character, as being blacked out and somehow taking that as disrespect to your gang makes no sense.
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