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Report a Player - Neon and his unknown friend - Poor/Low Quality RP

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Your In-game name


Name of the player(s) you are reporting

Neon and his unknown friend

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?

Poor/Low Quality RP

Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

I was roleplaying with Kalmus as bounty hunters. We find out that the guy we are looking for is in Athira so we drove there. We separate in case that those guys are at Drug Dealer and i was with SUV on road. I found those possible suspects we were looking for and asked him to proceed with caution. Guy who was in truck saw my friend and just randomly yelled that he has 3 seconds to put his hands up. He didn't even had time to do it, and guy in truck started shooting on him. Neon started chasing my friend and guy in truck said my name without me interducing myself (metagaming). After my friend was killed by Neon without any RP (RDM). I tried to RP with them but that guy who just yelled out my name didn't even told me how does he know my name (Poor RP). I tried to bring them with me but with 0 RP they just drove away. Every action that happened is also seen on video i uploaded on Youtube. I tried to resolve that situation with Neon on teamspeak but in screenshot is everything that he wrote me.
Note; "He said we've meet before" was at Diamond Processing where both of them shoot at me while i was working and asked me to put hands down and weapon on ground. While i put my hands down random animation puts weapon in my hands and they killed me and tried to scrap my truck and they failed becuse server crashed. As NLR says your character forgot how he died. And as i was reborn once again they can not know me right ?

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)



This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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hey man, its me neon here, you didnt even tell me a report would be up which is good that i was on the site, you also didnt say you would be reporting me so you didnt try to resolve any situation with me, as for the guy that shot first that was my buddy, cause your friend turned around and looked at my friend who had a gun, and he panicked and shot at your friend, then your friend runs down the street and starts shooting at me so i kill him, if your friend wanted to put his hands up why did he turn around with a gun in his hands? he should of started to comply straight away so he basically deserved the shot fired at him, i just read over the report there and im surprised to find this " After my friend was killed by Neon without any RP (RDM)" dude, rdm? your friend started shooting at me first from down the street? so why are you blatantly lying look at 1.59 in the video your friend is spotted down the street taking the first 3 shots at me before i return fire, so dont say i RDM'ed.
as for my friend with the metagame, i will say sorry on his part it was a mistake, we now got him to turn off names as he keeps accidently doing it, he only has 150 hours on arma and hasnt been playing on the server for long. so please give him a break man theres no need to get very upset with what happened just cause your mate got killed i feel that you are trying to use the smallest thing to ban someone here out of frustration.
Also with the screenshot you showed i just want to say sorry for being slightly cheeky as i was frustrated  and stressed at the time because i was being messaged by so many people, id also like to note that you said above "
Neon started chasing my friend " i didnt chase your friend at all mate, he came around the corner and started shooting down the street so i killed him.

thats most of what i have to say so yeah.
have a nice day.

also i forgot to mention the fact that the time from when i said put your hands up or be shot to when the first shot was fired was just under 5 seconds, just saying.

Yeah, I tried to resovle that with you but you can see your replies on TS.

Your friend didn't start RP with my friend and neither you did. I told you to return that weapon as compensation while in game on RP way but you refused and made my poor friend even poorer.

He didnt even said 5 sec, just yelled some stuf about outting hands up with no quality RP (or i wil shoot), he just fired a bullet which is declaration of attack. What is next ?

Metagaming ? Solid proff here. 

RDM ? You killed him and some other guy on street without talking to them. Next time better accept talk on TS.

omg man you clearly see in the vid your friend shooting from down the street then after i shot your friend some little civ picked up your mates gun and started shooting at me with it so i killed him, dont you accuse me of rdm seriously man.
as for metagaming it was generally a mistake and this seems like the only hard evidence you have here to get anyone banned to be honest, it really seems like your mad with what happened just cause we killed your friend, he could have complied, also i said to your friend put your hands up or be shot so not to be rude but seriously man get your facts right.
Dont twist things man.

leave it for an admin to decide now
all i see is you angry cause ive killed you twice now man.

I am not angry on you. This kind of stuff happen to often on server. I want that finally some normal and mature people start enjoying game.

Maybe if your friend didn't  start shooting it could all go peacefully.

And also just entering a car and leaving is poor RP.

Before your friend entered the server there is something called welcome message as well link tonthe rules. I took time and read it few times to understand them better. Maybe that is reason why am I sometimes pissod of. Becuse people refuse to follow few simple rules which would provide much better gameplay and much more fun. But rules are made to be broken by you and others like you.

Agreed. Let the admin decide.


Metagaming was a slip and they tried to tell you OOC was an accident. Initiation was done, I felt there was a reasonable amount of time with a proper warning before the shooting started.

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