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Report a Player - [N.L.A] Rick - RDM

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London, United Kingdom

Your In-game name


Name of the player(s) you are reporting

[N.L.A] Rick

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

I was driving at night in Kavala, with my lights on, and I slowed down on the road approaching the garage - a SUV being driven by the player I'm reporting crashed into the back of me presumably because he was driving too fast and didn't maintain the appropriate stopping distance. The collision knocked my small hatchback perpendicular to the road and, as a new and inexperienced player, I was unable to regain full control of my vehicle and the other player did not make any overt attempt to stay clear... in fact, it seemed as if he was driving into the side of my vehicle in an attempt to immobilise me. His car eventually flipped and my car took considerable damage. I attempted to drive away as the player's hostile driving manner suggested to me that he was a risk and I had a lot of money on my person that I didn't want to lose so I slowly drove towards the Garage safe zone to store my vehicle. He told me to stop my car several times but never once warned me he would use lethal force if I didn't comply, I eventually did stop the car after a matter of seconds (Plus I was going very slowly anyway due to my damaged wheels), the break lights illuminated and I came to a stop and only then did he start firing his weapon at me - at first what seemed like warning shots but then he used an automatic weapon to kill me. I don't believe I was given ample time to comply, nor was I given any warning, and when I did eventually comply with his casual order he killed me. I stayed up into the night specially to drive to un-safe areas to obtain items I needed and lost those items. The player was not on TS.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


I am the guy in the car that you VDM'ed, it clearly shows you swerving to the side to block my SUV because I was following you after you rammed into my car earlier, I was going too fast and you pulled over so I accidentally hit you, I then try to go to the right and you keep pushing my car, this is several accounts of VDM on your account, also, NLA RIck did not RDM you, in the video it shows him yelling "Get out the car" 5/6 times after you VDM Killed me with your car.

Also, you never talked to [N.L.A] Rick which means you lied about trying to resolve it with the player.

Overall, the post will be reviewed and an admin will make their decision.

When your SUV collided with my smaller vehicle, the wheels of my hatchback sustained significant damage - as the red warning clearly indicates. This meant that I was unable to steer my vehicle correctly and that's why I appear to be veering right into your SUV. This is not intentional, it is a direct result of the damage you caused to my car because you were driving recklessly.

I assumed at first that the collision was intentional and you were a hostile threat - hence why I continued to drive. You should of stopped as soon as you collided with me, instead you elected to attempt to drive away as quickly as you could because you know you had committed a VDM.

I acknowledged I was told to exit the car, but as I also stated, there was no stated warning of the use of lethal force if I failed to comply - and the shots were fired AFTER I complied. There was a good few seconds where I'd stopped my vehicle before I was fired at and killed.

On the video, your vehicle was fine before you smashed into the wall, then when u hit the wall u hit my SUV, explain?

My car is fine before 0:03 - that's the point of impact with your SUV, that's when the wheel damage indicator turns red - not when I hit the building, if you go frame-by-frame you can see this clearly.

When I said 'veering to the right' in my previous reply, I was referring to the point when our cars were both in motion and in contact after the initial collision. I'll also point out that if you look closely you can see the steering wheel turning to the left which further backs up my version of events.

The reason I initially turned right in the road is because I heard noise behind me (audible in the video), and panicked - I attempted to use the steering controls to look round in error, my intention was to see what was happening behind me. This is when your SUV collided with my vehicle.

Hello it would be nice if you actually tried to resolve this with me in teamspeak I would of happily came and talk to you. It's shows here that it's says you tried to resolve the situation which u didn't I only shot you because in my eyes you vdmed my friend and after multiple times of asking u to stop u did but it was to late. If you want to speak to me about this to sort this out I'm always in the nla channels just send me a message and I will talk with you. which this also shows you lying in a report saying "The player was not on TS" and saying you tried to resolved the situation 

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Soldier, you can clearly see him pulling in to the side, knowing I was following him, u can see him pulling in BEFORE I hit his car, I was just going fast.

After reviewing the video again, it appears to be an auto accident. However you did not stop and contact 999 when someone was killed and failed to roleplay. However Rick you calling him a retard and shooting him when he did stop is RDM.

Action Taken


Steam ID:76561197979666288


Name:[N.L.A] Rick

Steam ID:76561198227096344


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