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Report a Player - N.L.A Noah - RDM<br>Poor/Low Quality RP

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Supporter of Marmite Rights!
Legendary Donator

Your In-game name

SGT Madmatt

Name of the player(s) you are reporting

N.L.A Noah

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?

Poor/Low Quality RP

Which server did the incident take place on

Server 2

Please (in detail) describe the incident

While retreating from a rebel roadblock I found myself being chased by 2 hatch sports. After driving a bit my tire became damaged and I was unable to escape. I pulled up and tried to get some cover to fight, I soon found out that I was outnumbered 3-1. I told them I was going to surrender and put my hands on my head. The moment I stood up I got a hail of bullets. I asked Noah "what was that" on TS, he said that he hadn't heard me and that he had given me enough time to comply. I believe that I hadn't enough time and I had given enough info to inform them that I was surrendering.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


I'm not a part of this I just wanted to point out on your video there was no direct comes...looks like you forgot to press button so they wouldn't have heard you...

Never mind had a senior moment

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I'm not a part of this I just wanted to point out on your video there was no direct comes...looks like you forgot to press button so they wouldn't have heard you...

Never mind had a senior moment
Yeah, I realised I was talking in group and changed, you can see it under my name saying [speaking]

I'm not a part of this I just wanted to point out on your video there was no direct comes...looks like you forgot to press button so they wouldn't have heard you...

Never mind had a senior moment
You're not allowed to respond to reports you are not involved with. Warning point &amp; 7 day forum restriction issued.

Okey first of all when we told you to put your hands up, you hopped out and directly went in cover behind your vehicle. I couldn't hear you talking, for me you were not saying anything. Now I watched the video I saw you were actually talking. If you complied at the first moment I told you to, this wouldn't happen. I didn't know what you were about to do behind that vehicle, so I didn't take the risk to value my life and shot you (to early?) as soon as you stood up. 

A big misunderstanding as well as in our teamspeak channel communications. I do apologize if you count this as RDM, which i can understand somewhere.

Also ; We didn't really try to resolve the situation? You asked me 'What was that?' I told you my story than you said something but never heard about a forum report, luckely one of my gang members told me this today so I have at least the right to tell my story here.

Sorry if the communication on TS was poor, had been a bad day with a lot of incidents of close RDM should have made a much better effort. 

From my point of view I believed I had given prior knowledge of my intentions to surrender to you, as I do shout it out. The person closest to me (which I guess isn't you) should have heard me.

I can understand that you were cautious of me being behind the car, but that's just natural for me to jump into a defensive potion when being threatened by armed men. As stated above I realised after that I was out numbered 3-1 and (had to) surrender for safety of my life. The biggest thing that pissed me off with it was that I was shot as a stood up, I do believe you guys were a little hasty in shooting me, as from the video I stepped up looking away from you and was about to put my weapon on my back. 

If it was bad com's then I understand, and I'm happy to drop the report. 

No hard feelings @Noah

Report resolved @Jamz@Junior

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