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Report a player - mqasi & Thomas S - Altis Life

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Well-known member
Birmingham, UK
Report a player 

Your In-game Name: EViLPiNKPiGZ

Name of the player(s) you are reporting: mqasi & Thomas S

Which server did the incident take place on: Altis Life

Date of the incident: 18/01/21

Time of the incident (GMT): 1530

What best describes this incident ?: Combat Log & VDM

Please (in detail) describe the incident: The video has been edited so should flow quite nicely, however I had initially been shot and executed by these 2 players in Kavala. I had spawed at a Athira and after buying clothes and a gun, drove back down towards Kavala,. Once I got there, these 2 players were still there and noticed me, as I was wearing the same clothes as I was when they initially shot me. They proceeded to follow me around in their car, to which I drove out of Kavala and to a petrol station, where I decided to drive over to them and engage with them. They then rammed my car off the road, and held me at gunpoint by a cashpoint. I went along with the robbery regardless of the VDM and poor RP as I don't really mind, I play very rarely and I never cared much for reporting players.They then got to the point where they were going to shoot me, so I had a go at fighting them, however I'm not very good at the game anymore and failed, getting shot by them.

They decided to not execute me this time, and not too long after, a paramedic came and revived me. I decided to try and locate them again, as their failure to kill me meant that I am now aware of their actions and the danger they pose, meaning I can plan my revenge. By chance, a friend I had met yesterday pulled up at the petrol station randomly, and I filled him in as to what had happened to me, and passed all relevant information to him. He agreed to assist me in hunting them down, so we went off to find them. The next however long was a game of cat and mouse, we found them but then lost them shortly afterwards. Using some guesswork, I assumed they may have driven off to the gun shop in Telos to get more ammo; They had shot me twice and my friend once, and probably others too, so likely needed more ammo.

Amazingly when we arrived, they actually were at Telos doing exactly that. They recognised us immediately and tried to flee. My friend managed to shoot one of them, but the driver carried on, so we gave chase. Eventually he crashed into a ditch and knocked himself down, so we dragged them out, to which the NHS helicopter was already on scene by some stroke of luck. We explained the situation, and it was agreed that we would drive them to Athira, where the medics would revive them, and we could then ziptie them so they no longer posed a threat. We did this, and put them in our car. We tried some conversation with the pair whilst on the way to a field to blast them with a shotgun, but they were typical 'trolls' that were just abusive and clearly did not understand how to play on an RP server. One of them stated their intentions to leave the game, which I tried to talk him out of in RP, but proved unsuccessful, as they both disconnected as we arrived at the field.

I have doubts that these 2 will even return to this server, and I think that since I first started playing on this server 6/7 years ago, this is the first report I have ever made. But I have seen these type of players many, many times, and they do take away from what this server is. This server has by far provided me with some of the best gaming days I have ever had, and the reason was because it was filled with people that stuck by the rules (mostly), creating a really good RP atmosphere which was so much better and different to anything else on offer. While it's not the end of the world, I think the server would benefit from these 2 players being banned until they read over the rules and want to join in properly.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):
This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: No

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

I would like to add something to this report. I met again with Thomas S and mqasi whilst playing at about 1820 today, and they both engaged in RP fairly well and were involved with the situation that was going on, without once pulling out guns and trying to blindly rob or shoot people. I actually think that the likely scenario is that these 2 players are new to the server, and have jumped straight in without reading through the rules first, but it would appear that they have started to pick up on how to join in with it all over the last few days. I still wish to leave the report in place, as what happened still happened, and I'll leave the decision to an admin to decide what the appropriate punishment shall be, however I feel it's worth the above being taken into account.

Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed

Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions

Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!



I have watched through your video and read your description and I would like to point out numerous issues on all sides of this report.

Let's start with the two reported players, "mqasi" and "Thomas S". It is apparent that they are new to the server however they have broken both Combatlogging and VDM rules. However due to no indication of who the driver is I am unable to take any action for that, the combatlogging on the other hand is clear as day and as such both of them will be receiving a 1 day temporary ban under rule (A1.5) 

Secondly we will address when you attempt to shoot both of the aforementioned players at the ATM without anything being said previously. You simply pulled out your gun, ran around the corner and began shooting at them. This is something which is replicated yet again at the gun store whereby yourself and your friend opened fire on the players vehicle with the only thing said previously being "Stop the car" - this is no where near sufficient enough RP in order to pull the trigger. Although you had been VDM'd by these individuals that does not mean that you can in turn break rules in retaliation, as the old saying goes: two wrongs don't make a right. 

As a result of this I will be taking the following action against the following players:

mqasi - 1D temporary ban  (A1.5)

Thomas S - 1D temporary ban  (A1.5)

EViLPiNKPiGZ - 1D temporary ban (A1.2)

Antoine - 1D temporary ban (A1.2)

Please take what has been said into consideration and think twice before pulling the trigger on someone.

Thank you for your report.

Thank you for doing your part in keeping the community clean.

Your report has been approved and action has been taken against the reported player.

If you are out of pocket due to this case please now open a compensation request here, Do make sure to mention this report.


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