Mikey Bolt
New member
- Location
- Denmark

Your In-game name
Mikey Bolt
Name of the player(s) you are reporting
Date of the incident
Time of the incident (GMT)
What best describes this incident ?
Which server did the incident take place on
Server 1
Please (in detail) describe the incident
Before the restart at 20:00 nice and quite, after, whole other story, joined the server about 20:15-30 and it was kaos, no admins, no police, pretty much no rules.
It all went down by the garage in kavala, people where spawning cars witch was fine, but then others started to spawn their big trucks(Hemet or something) and driving into other cars so they would explode, i have never seen the server so kaotic as it where at the point. Cars where flying frome the garage and exploding on left and right. Then these 2 guys who spawned their big trucks(Hemets) where driving like they owned the road.
1 of them witch is the guy i am reporting took it further by driving down people on sidewalks and into all the cars he could get near.
First i was trying to help his buddy whom you can see in the start of the video on the right, but then things escalated.
What you are about to see is me Mikey Bolt and a bountyhunter Named Issac (who i meet in the kaos) chasing Mixedkev99 around kavala trying to make a citizen arrest. I believe that the video i have linked speaks for itself.
Ps. We did what we meant was right, that excludes my shooting in the greenzone i was not aware of the greenzones limit at the time of incident.
I thord about contracting Mixedkev99 after but thord it over and i saw no reason to. AltisLife.CO.UK is a Serius roleplay server, and as stated under member support
3. Report a player: "So if you are at a stage where its a clearcut rule break or you havent been able to resolve the situation with the person then you may proceed by filling our report a player form." And i belive that this is a clear rule break. Pls, do correct me if i am wrong =).
WARNING: Video has a lot of ***** backgroundnoice.
Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)
This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!
You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting
This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)